Summer Salad

I mentioned that I had a whole ton of corn that I’m trying to use up before the end of March…so Igor decided to help me out and made this salad. Super simple, super colorful, awesome to look at and even better to consume. Someday, I’m hoping to pilfer the chili recipe for that chili …

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Microwave Apple Crisp

One of them instant-gratification super-fast and super-easy desserts!

Microwave Apple Crisp


  • 1 apple, sliced
  • 1/8 cup rolled oats
  • 1 tsp butter, vegan butter, or coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp whole wheat flour or almond flour
  • cinnamon, to taste
  • 1 tsp brown sugar or coconut sugar


  • Slice apple and layer …

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    Paracoccidiosis braziliensis

    F: It looks like a happy sun! That’s how I’m going to remember it. N: I’m going to give it messed up teeth. F: That’s terrible. N: Because who’s going to give a sun braces? C: A bigger sun!

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    Whole Wheat Shortbread

    I’d been craving shortbread for…quite some time and I had all the ingredients to make it, so here it is! Make sure you let it set for a while after baking or it may remain in a somewhat crumbly state. I think the fact that I used all whole wheat flour may have resulted in …

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    Vegetable Stir Fry Noodles

    Also known as “Trish’s Dish.”

    We had a lot of “leftover” dumpling ingredients that we didn’t manage to use since we ran out of dumpling wrappers, so…we made it into a stir fry! :D There was a minor mishap with this dish…otherwise known as Trish mistaking an an unscrewed lid for an uncapped lid and …

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