My posting frequency definitely jumps off a cliff when I’m back at home. This is probably because I’m busy trying to see everyone while I can (before I retreat to the mountains and hermit it up, as I like to put it). I’ve been reliving last summer by spending the bulk of my time back …
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Jun 30
stocking up for future kitchen
I need to make a grocery list for my future kitchen in WV and figured this might be the best way to make sure I have the list with me when I’m there. :O There are apparently a whole bunch of pick-your-own farms as well as a couple farmers’ markets over there, so I’m pretty excited. …
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Jun 27
Whole Wheat French Toast
I apologize for the somewhat blurry picture. Most of these pictures are taken with my camera phone. >_> I was also in a hurry to eat because we were supposed to be studying for finals at the time.
Whole Wheat French Toast
Ingredients: -slices of whole wheat bread -2 eggs -soy milk …
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Jun 23
Taiwan (Part 2)
We went to the Palace Museum and explored almost all the floors. They keep your bags for free if they deem it too large to enter. If you’re still a student, you should bring your student ID to get 50% off. :D (I think I got in for 60 NWT instead of 120.)
But! Beware …
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Jun 20
Pineapple Steak
My brother rarely ever eats regular food. (By regular, I mean home-cooked meals.) I’m not sure why. However, this is a dish that he says he’d gladly eat at every meal for months. :O After trying it, I basically forced my dad to teach me to make it the next day because it is indeed …
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