super badass

Rage Cage

I am in rather joyous spirits! :D I managed to convince myself to get my ass to the gym yesterday (this is somewhat of an ordeal at times, because, much as I do love working out, school can be pretty draining), and it was a good thing I went! (I happened upon a whole lot …

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Loaded Lunchtime Oatmeal

I got this one from ohsheglows and made it while Hurricane Sandy was wreaking havoc everywhere. I modified it a little by adding a can of roast beef in and basically just doubling the recipe, since I didn’t want to have to make a new batch each time (less dishes to wash, …

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new methods

Alarm Clock

It’s getting harder to wake up. :[ We watched a movie the other night since it’s still early in this block and there was a littleeee bit of free time in our lives (it was also in honor of Bruce Lee, since it was his birthday the next day).

But it also meant that I …

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Tuna Quinoa Cakes

I made these by accident. I meant to make sweet potato cakes and somehow ended up with these instead (I was spacing out). This was missing half a cup of sweet potatoes, apparently, so I guess I wasn’t completely out of it. I just…didn’t remember to include it. I’m awesome like that. They’re good though …

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cryptic post of the day

I didn’t know it was possible for people like this to exist.

But on another note, I found this following conversation pretty hilarious. To preface, it was because I was taking a shower today and Kitler decided to jump in with me. I would have minded less if he hadn’t decided to walk in and …

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