cryptic post of the day

I didn’t know it was possible for people like this to exist.

But on another note, I found this following conversation pretty hilarious. To preface, it was because I was taking a shower today and Kitler decided to jump in with me. I would have minded less if he hadn’t decided to walk in and …

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Rice Cooker Yogurt Cake

I love my first world rice cooker a whole lot. :X I haven’t been using it as much as I anticipated because I’ve been busy + lazy, but a couple weeks ago, I was completely out of it and locked my car keys in my trunk. Yeah. Not kidding. Of course, this would also be …

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Sweet Potato Quinoa Cakes

If you didn’t know before, I guess you know now–when I’m stressed/bored/have free time, I like to frequent food blogs for healthy-ish recipes to stockpile so that someday, if I ever have time in the world, I can make em’ all! (Not all at once, of course.)

There were some gigantic sweet potatoes on sale, …

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thanksgiving 2012

Keat: Remember the thanksgiving we had at top of the hub and ate our own pies lolool and watched super vampire diaries?

I have awesome friends, haha. That’s what we did last year when I went to Boston to hang out with him for thanksgiving (because again, I was too poor to …

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Greek Yogurt with Granola

Unrelated to the post below, but I had to share because I thought it was kinda hilarious. First, from my former housemate!

M: I saw a girl today that reminded me a littttle too much of  you. She was petite but athletic looking and talking about how much she loved eating.

And then shortly afterward, …

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