bikram yoga

Since I no longer have a gym membership for when I’m home-home, I decided to buy a Groupon for 10 Bikram Yoga classes to use while I was back for winter break. It expires in April, which essentially means that I need to use them all this break (I have 9 days). Game on, my …

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3-Ingredient Oatmeal Cookies

This is possibly the easiest cookie recipe on the face of this planet. I made them in under 5 minutes. I kid you not. (Yay for blogilates!) It is also highly adaptable (e.g. if you don’t like bananas, use canned pumpkin or frozen mangoes or something. :O ). Feel free to …

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1/8 of the way there

I’m currently stuck at the airport because my first flight got delayed by 3 hours, meaning that I am almost definitely missing my connecting flight, which means that no, I will not be making it back to CA today. To be honest, I kinda expected this, so I’ve made peace with the fact. I will …

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비빔밥 (Bibimbap/Mixed Rice with Vegetables)

Earlier this month (more specifically, on the 8th, because that was when the GVC performance was), my friend Swathi texted our group (we have yet to find a name that we can collectively call ourselves for convenience) to see if we’d be up for a late dinner at her place. Since my performance basically ended …

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getting more involved

I’m not oblivious to what happened in Connecticut. I just honestly didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t write about it until now (that and the fact that most of these posts were written ages ago and scheduled, so I haven’t actually written anything in a while). It’s chilling to think about, and I …

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