Agate House and Long Logs Trail

Agate House and Long Logs Trail | @fairyburger

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! Another Arizona post today as I continue my way through Petrified Forest National Park– the Agate House and Long Logs Trail!

Check out the Agate House + Long Logs Trail in @PetrifiedNPS! #PetrifiedForest #FindYourPark #travel #VisitAZ

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Agate House …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021

Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021 |

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! Come catch up on life/hang out with me virtually! (What’s your beverage of choice this month?)

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! #bloggerlife #virtualcoffee

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Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you …

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Giant Logs Trail in Petrified Forest National Park

Giant Logs Trail | @fairyburger

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! We’re still in Arizona this week (and for a couple more weeks!) and on to the Giant Logs Trail in Petrified Forest National Park!

Stroll down the #GiantLogsTrail in @PetrifiedNPS! #PetrifiedForest #FindYourPark #VisitAZ #Arizona

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Giant …

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Crystal Forest Trail in Petrified Forest National Park

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! I’m starting off the year with another trail in Arizona — the Crystal Forest Trail!

Come visit the #CrystalForest Trail in @PetrifiedNPS! #PetrifiedForest #FindYourPark #nationalparks #VisitAZ

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Crystal Forest Trail in Petrified Forest National Park

Distance: 0.9 miles …

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Blue Mesa Trail in Petrified Forest National Park

Blue Mesa Trail in Petrified Forest National Park | @fairyburger

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! We’re still in Arizona this week and on to another <1 mile hike in Petrified Forest National Park — the Blue Mesa Trail!

Hike the #BlueMesa Trail in @PetrifiedNPS! #PetrifiedForest #FindYourPark #VisitAZ #nationalparks

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Blue Mesa Trail in Petrified …

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