Blueberry Oatmeal Applesauce Muffins

I was playing piano at the nursing home today and generally speaking, when I (a) run out of songs to play or (b) there are only a couple people left, I’ll usually stop playing so I can go over to hang out with them. I was playing mostly “easy listening”-type pieces today, so when I …

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bedside manner

Overheard the other day: “Lie down and shut up, or I’ll kill you.”

That’s some great bedside manner right there.

We had a super-extremist vegan come in to talk to us today. (Most of my church here is either vegetarian or vegan.) I was talking to a friend after the sermon and he asked me …

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芥兰 (Chinese Broccoli)

I love this dish! We can’t get 芥兰 here (Asian markets do not exist within a 2 hour radius of here), but Kosina went home several weekends ago and aside from all the food her parents gave her to bring back, she also stopped by Andrea’s parents’ place (and they essentially compounded the amount of …

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“Hey there, can I check your craniosacral flexion?”

Please observe this picture. Closely.

Note the lovely hand placement.

Not awkward, not awkward at all.

My friend wins for quote of the day: “But what if they have really big testicles?”

This is about as terrible as anterior T1-T9 counterstrain / posterior L1-L5 counterstrain. I think I was only slightly more weirded out …

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Rice Cooker Whole Wheat Sponge Cake

I made this for the Friday potluck that never happened after our respiratory course (we ended up having it on Sunday, but I didn’t go home basically all weekend, so I couldn’t bring it. :[ ) What I love about rice cooker recipes is the fact that I don’t have to do anything other than …

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