Welcome back to Week 2 of the Spring 2024 One Room Challenge! If you’ve never heard of this, it’s a bi-annual challenge that takes place every spring + fall — participants pick a room to transform and share their progress throughout the course of 8 weeks followed by a reveal on week 8!
Just for a refresher, this was my kindasorta game plan…
- Week 1 (4/3): Intro
- Week 2 (4/10): Decluttering the world (+ before photos)
- Week 3 (4/17): Organize bookshelves/tea shelf + fix up reading area
- Week 4 (4/24): Organize craft space + cable management
- Week 5 (5/1): Painting + tea trolley revamp
- Week 6 (5/8): Lighting + wall decor
- Week 7 (5/15): Let’s be real, something else will come up
- Week 8 (5/22): The Reveal!
This is kinda the post I was least looking forward to writing, mainly because I don’t really wanna show the state of chaos my room is currently in. (But at least it can only go up from here…?)
One Room Challenge: Home Office/Hobby Room (Week 2)
Since I have half a billion hobbies (…hiking/camping/backpacking, Polynesian dancing, lifting weights, pole/aerial silks + lyra, blogging, bullet journaling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, rock climbing, gaming, reading, diving, music, drawing, most recently painting + crocheting, + aspirations for fire hooping + getting back into archery), I have acquired…a lot…of stuff over the years.
I’ve long since made peace with the fact that it is not possible to do all of these on a regular basis, but in the meantime, the stuff’s gotta go somewhere!
- Magazines
- There are a lot of magazines + medical journals I’ve accumulated over the years. For years, I’ve been meaning to clip the recipes I want and recycle/repurpose bits and pieces of the rest for art journals, but have I actually done this yet? Absolutely not. By the end of these remaining 7 weeks, this should no longer be the case!
- Books
- I have a never-ending “to-read” list on GoodReads + also a very long “books I have at home that I need to read” pile (or shelf shelves). As luck would have it, I have 3 Little Free Libraries near me and a bunch of libraries nearby as well. I’ll be donating the books I didn’t like as much to all of these!

The stacks on the ground were from my recent book sale finds, so I mostly just needed to shelve these!
- Tea Trolley
- One of the shelves on my built-in bookcase is currently occupied with my tea collection (+ some hot chocolate) — I’m hoping to move all that over to my tea trolley once I finish revamping that in probable-week 5!
- Plants
- Since the shelves closest to the windows = where my plants are thriving the best, I don’t really want to move them anywhere else, but I’d like to organize it a little better! (Some of them may end up coming to work with me since it wouldn’t hurt to have a little more greenery there.)
- Crafting supplies
- I’ve been meaning to put my pegboard to better use + find a way to organize my journaling vs painting vs crocheting (etc.) supplies so that they’re easily accessible/convenient to just “grab and go” to work on stuff!

This is why I mentioned I need to do something about that cable management. :'(

My hammock quilt is chillin’ in the middle of the floor because my cat loves burrowing into the footbox area + I often sleep on the floor here with her. I’m still scheming some kinda way to expand my reading area / upgrade this sleeping arrangement but have it also be compact/easily put away…
The walls are completely bare right now, so that will likely change once I figure out which prints/artwork/photos I want to put up!

Just so the photos in this post don’t completely scare everyone away, I got started on part of week 6’s goals over the weekend — here’s a sneak peek!
- Are you a minimalist or a packrat? I highly doubt it’s difficult to guess which one I am. I live in a usually-organized chaos — as long as no one moves my stuff, I know where everything is!
- Any tips on decluttering? I’m really bad at getting rid of things because I always feel like I can find a use for them + don’t want to waste whatever it is…
- See how everyone else’s week 2 progress is coming along here!
Wonder-full! Looking forward to seeing this room evolve. Perhaps a window seat or chaise longue under the window for you and your cat might be cosy.
I like the way you think! I’ve been thinking of moving the tea trolley to somewhere else in the room so I can set up a spot there — will see if I can scrounge up anything to make this happen! :]
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