Does anyone else absolutely detest talking on the phone? It’s the bane of my existence (well, maybe not quite so dramatic, but I hate it). I generally have to plan out everything I’m going to say, complete with a clause to cover the whole, “What if no one answers and you have to leave a voicemail!?” panic. Case in point, I’m really not good with phone conversations. I am, however, incredibly gifted at leaving long-winded and rambly voicemails. ._.
Since I’m ending my ER rotation and starting up my Radiology rotation next week, the general process is to call my preceptor and find out where/when to meet up with him/her, and what the dress code/expectations (etc.) happen to be. Awesome in theory, but when you have no idea who your preceptor’s going to be, that poses a slight problem. I’m apparently the first student to do a radiology rotation at this particular hospital, but according to my dean, they seem really enthusiastic about it and have a whole program they’ve put together, so hopefully I’ll learn a lot!
My dean is the volunteer forensic medical examiner for Hope’s Place, the local Children’s Advocacy Center, so she sponsors tables every year at the annual Murder Mystery Dinner. I’ve never been to one, so I’m going (not sure if any of my friends are, because they’re better students than I am, and likely studying). The theme this year is: “Marriage Can Be Murder.”
Anyway, I’ve digressed enough! Onward to Days 12-13 of the November Blog Challenge! Feel free to link up below if you’re doing the challenge as well! :]
11/12: Things That Make Your Day
- Time spent with friends + family
“Okay everyone, look normal!!!”
- Awesome notes from friends
- Positive feedback from my preceptor(s) and patients
- Packages in the mail
- Finding money in my pockets or bags that I forgot was there
- Nailing a new move in pole dancing
- A new PR (how it all began!)
- Cute animals
Meet Princess Muffin, my foster kitty who doesn’t know how to sit in laps.
- Dancing
- Adventures outside
11/13: If I Won the Lottery
I would use a chunk of it to pay off my parents’ house, all my student loans, to fund my parents’ retirement plan, and to buy a house (once I, y’know, stop moving from state to state and actually figure out where it is that I’m going to be spending my life). The rest would go into savings and investments!
While I’m dreaming, I might as well add that I’d like that house to have a dance studio (for Tahitian, hula, pole + silks!). Then I can practice whenever I want! *-* My portable pole is super slippery, so it’s pretty difficult to get any practice in ever since I can’t for the life of me stay on. :[

If I had it my way, there would also be an obstacle course.

I also want an awesome kitchen. Counter space galore!
Plus, assuming that I ever had free time again, I’d love to travel! I’ve never been to the Philippines, but my brother tells me a whole bunch of awesome stories about it, and I think it’d be pretty awesome to get to take horseback riding lessons, private Muay Thai kickboxing + ballroom dancing lessons over there. He may actually even talk me into wanting to get my diving certification too. SOMEDAY.
- Do you like talking on the phone?
- What are some of the things that brighten your day?
- What would you do if you suddenly happened to have a whole bunch of money?

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I would be willing to turn my entire apartment into a kitchen and a reformer and treadmill studio. Then I could be happy. I don’t like initiating talking on the phone, but then once I’m going I’m usually ok. But I usually hope for the voicemail!
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Happy Dance and Class Pass Referral Discount (Thinking Out Loud)
Same here! I’d be pretty happy living in a space that was part kitchen and part dance studio (plus a bed and a bathroom somewhere). Priorities! <3
I guess that's probably the part I hate the most--initiating the actual conversation. If it's a really good friend, I don't mind talking for ages, but I hate initiating phone calls to strangers and the like. :x
Oh I LOVE getting packages in the mail – it’s the absolute best! :)
Joanna @Makingmine recently posted…pregnancy fitness + Ugly Sweater Run Giveaway!
Same here! Always makes my day when I see a box/package at my door from a friend! :]
Not a fan of the phone-talking either! I do love hand-written notes/letters, and long soulful conversations over a hot cuppa.
Samantha recently posted…Made To Be Loved
Definitely! I’d take real-life company over any form of technology any day, but when I can’t have that, I really like snail mail. :] Sad that no one really does that anymore though!
I hate TEXTING! That’s why I don’t…at all. But yea, any phone communication is not fun. Talking on the phone is way to hard and you end up talking over the person or not knowing when they start and stop. UGH! Terrible ;) Let’s all just go back to writing letters ;)
(Packages in the mail = Pure Joy!)
And that kitchen! Swooning!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Sweet Pumpkin & Bell Pepper Sprouted Black Eyed Peas
I’m with you on the phone communication thing. I am very guilty of mostly texting people (e.g. group chats) because it’s a lot more convenient. We have such differing schedules that I never know when they’re free :x That and the fact that most of my friends are in a different time zone. sigh! But hooray for snail mail! :]
Seriously! I’d be more than overjoyed if I could ever have a kitchen like that! <3
Love the kitchen, I do.. Wish I win the lottery. :)
Brit @ My Stay At Home Adventures recently posted…Betty Crocker Free Recipes + Exclusive Coupons + Free Samples!
Oh, if only! *-*
A lot of these things make me happy too! I love getting notes from friends and family, especially in the mail. Snail mail is my favorite. Finding money definitely makes me happy! Haha. I could always use more of that. If I won the lottery, my student loans and credit cards would be the first things I pay off. I would be so happy not having to worry about all that debt! Then I would just travel the world! What a dream!
Tiffany Khyla recently posted…I Deserve to Feel Beautiful.
Agreed! I hope we get out of all that debt sometime in the near future! It’d definitely be nice to travel the world! :D
I only like talking on the phone when I have lots of free time. Which is not often these days :-) Things that brighten my day? Hugs from my kids and hubby, fresh flowers, walks outside w/ friends and my dog. If I won the lottery? Pay off all my bills and mortgage, travel, travel, and more travel :-) Happy November!!!
EA-The Spicy RD recently posted…Celiac Participants Still Needed for CeliAction Study
Definitely understandable! I think I’m more okay with talking on the phone when I have free time, but that happens so rarely these days that most of the time, I’m like, “Noo, don’t call me! I have stuff to do!”
I wish the chances of winning were a little higher. *-* It’d be nice!
Happy November to you as well!
Ha, I’m not a fan of the phone either. Your post made me smile as I think similar to you. If I happened to win the lottery I would help my parents out as well, buy a nice house, and then travel..oh how awesome that would be. :)
Sharon recently posted…TBT Hiking Post – Tuck and Robin Lakes
It’s awesome to think about, haha. If only it were easier to actually win! :P
Do you like talking on the phone?
NO. I absolutely DETEST it, i love texting, emails, letters, i suppose because they are on my terms, when I have time, when I can focus, etc. Talking on the phone is terrible for me, if i have to, i make it quick. I am not one for small talk
What are some of the things that brighten your day?
My students, coffee, my morning newspaper ( reading my horoscope, the living/food/entertainment sections), my puppies snuggles, a walk or some sort of exercise outside
What does an average day look like for you?
wake up around 5:30, brew my coffee, make some oats, while I take the pup out for her walk! Then i read my paper, get a shower and off to work…..after work i usually pick up something to make for dinner, go home, prep, go for a long walk, listen to my audio book, visit a friend, run errands, etc. Come home, eat dinner, blog, relax!
Rinse and repeat!
Diana recently posted…Thankful Thursday 11/12/14
Yeah, I’m the same way! I don’t like being on the phone unless I have a quick question and texting would be too inefficient, but I’m all for face-to-face time, long emails/letters, and texting when all else isn’t feasible!
Puppies!!! <3 I'm really hoping that I'll have the time and the money to take care of a dog someday! :]!
I need to learn to be a morning person! I want to start working out in the morning again, but as of yet, I haven't managed to convince myself to wake up and be functional that early in the day. :[ Baby steps!
I like talking to certain people on the phone. I honestly don’t mind it, especially when I’m sitting in traffic (ON MY BLUETOOTH, promise!).
I get so tickled by the smallest things. Just seeing the Chicago skyline (I get to see it every day!), getting out the door on time, and definitely the first sniff of coffee on a cold morning…oh yeah. :)
MONEY: Pay off student loans, travel a bit, stuff the mattress!
Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…I Don’t Know How I Have So Much Free Time
Ooo, yeah, I’ll make an exception for when I’m sitting in traffic or driving a long distance without company! That’s when I really appreciate the phone company! (Speaker or headset, I promise as well! :P )
I’ve never been to Chicago, but I’m hoping I’ll get to go check it out sometime! (Preferably after the bitter cold decides it’s had enough over there…)
Agreed on the student loans, for sure. *-* I wonder how long it’ll take me…
That first paragraph is my life. I write bullet points before making a call in case I have to leave a voicemail. haha
GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth recently posted…Food Blogger Reality: Failed Recipes & Pumpkin Grudges
So glad to know I’m not the only one! :O I write up my “speech” of what I’m going to say if they answer, as well as another clause for if I happen to get voicemail, hahaha. ._.
I see you have questions. My procrastination is kicking in:
Do you like talking on the phone?
-Yes, actually. But primarily if I know the other person on the line. And especially so if there’s something absolutely important that I NEED to know. Like directions, timing, or even names of people whom I’m supposed to meet. Sometimes texting doesn’t cut it because it’s not fast enough for response. Now if I don’t know the bloke on the other end of the line, then yes, it can be weird, if only because I have to quickly make things up to say.
What are some of the things that brighten your day?
-Food. Especially when I’m hungry. It’s a good chance for me to kind of sit back, breathe, and recharge. Taking off my shoes and getting on my futon. Talking with my friends online. I’ll elaborate more on this point. I sometimes feel lonely, and when my friends text or message me either on my pc or on my phone, it makes me feel like I’m still there with them. Same goes with my siblings. I hardly see anyone I used to know regularly, so even keeping a short dialogue helps me keep sane.
What would you do if you suddenly happened to have a whole bunch of money?
-The Office Space answer is “two chicks at the same time, man.”
The real answer is, a lot. Yes, I’ll be fiscally responsible and pay things off, houses, invest, yada yada. Then the fun part. First off, I’m going to buy two impractical cars and one practical car. The first two will be a Subaru BR-Z. The Second will be a Nissan GTR. The third will probably be a Dodge Charger Hellcat. Hey, at least that one has four doors. Then yeah, travelling is on the list. Japan for like a month. England and Ireland for a few weeks, followed by Italy and Spain. If my friend in Germany is still out there, then definitely hitting them up for a few weeks as well. And then depending on how much money was actually earned (like if it was a crazy amount) then I’d actually want to buy a plot of land and like a few Mitsubishi Lancer Evolutions, and create a rally circuit. Something my friends and I can go to, drive around, and not have to worry about crashing into trees or people. Any money left over? It’d go to you, duh. =p
Yeah, I feel you on the directions/timing and all that goodness. If I have to know something fast, I like calling is awesome, but aside from that (and phone company on long drives), I like to avoid it as much as humanly possible. ._.
Yeahhhh for food! That definitely brightens up my day. :] I don’t get to see my friends back home much more than once or twice a year anymore, so getting to see them + my family definitely brightens up my days too. :]
hahaha, why thank you! I just want to eventually get rid of my loans and to have an awesome house (where the main things I care about = the kitchen and the dance studio + potential obstacle course), so it shouldn’t be toooooo much! :P Although now that I think about it, if I get that rich, I’d want a good chunk of it to go to the animal shelters I volunteer at + to the causes I support. *-* Oh lottery, why you gotta be so hard to win?