My Month Is Booked: January 2025

Welcome to the first My Month is Booked linkup of 2025! :]

My Month Is Booked: May 2024

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The Hidden Life of Cecily Larson, by Ellen Baker – This follows the life of Cecily Larson, who is dropped off at an orphanage at the age of 4 and is eventually sold to a traveling circus. A historical fiction that switches between past + present (as she grows up, to her “present”-day 94-year-old self in 2015, and centers around Cecily’s life and family + the secrets that come to light when her family decides to surprise her with a home DNA test.

I was initially drawn to this book because the audiobook had an aerialist on it! The main character is not an aerialist though, so the cover was a bit of a tease. (It’s fine.) It was an interesting read though, especially great if you like family dramas!

The Golden Couple, by Greer Hendricks + Sarah Pekkanen – In an attempt to save her marriage, the wife hires a former-therapist who’s lost her license due to her unconventional techniques. Slowly throughout the book, little clues are shared that reveal that everyone is hiding something. But to what extent!?

There were bits that felt slower-moving, but I did feel invested up through the end. There are definitely some twists in this book that I didn’t anticipate. :]

Art for Your Sanity, by Susan Hensley – This was a quick read about art journaling interwoven with the author’s personal experiences/stories that led her to start/continue with it. I was personally hoping for more prompts and ideas/inspiration but this isn’t exactly a book meant for that, which is totally fine!

I am somewhat of a perfectionist who is simultaneously trying to get back to her creative side again + am not really an “artist,” so honestly, the overall message from this book was very much needed — it does not have to be perfect, and as long as you have fun creating, it doesn’t matter what the end product looks like. You have several pages going at once where you add to it as time goes on + it is a safe space for you to work out your thoughts, process emotions, brainstorm, capture memories. There is no “right” way to do it, as long as “you do you.”

Metallic Watercolor, by Elisabeth Götz – I got an ARC for this from NetGalley! I’ve been trying to teach myself watercolor (very sporadically, e.g. I try once every few months), so I figured this one would be a fun one to pick up.  It starts off with an intro on the basics (e.g. materials/tools + techniques) + even offers a QR code for traceable designs to get you started. The projects + tutorials provide a great progression and are easy to follow.

There were unfortunately some formatting issues on this book that made it impossible to read ~33% of the pages, but from what I could read, I did really enjoy this book. The actual book should be in print on the 14th of this month!

Got any book reviews from this month? Link em’ up below and make sure you visit others in the linkup too for reading inspiration! :]

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  • How many books did you read last year? (I made it to 73! Definitely my best yet since sophomore year of high school, when I decided to try to read a book a day (I think I made it to 200+ that year…).
  • Do you have a goal for how many books you want to read this year? I chose 40 but I’m probably gonna try increasing this depending on how the year goes…
  • What are you reading now? I’m in the middle of Wicked (went to watch the movie with my parents last month! I’d love to see the musical again) + The Measure.

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    • Joanne on January 6, 2025 at 5:32 am
    • Reply

    You read some great books this month! I’m currently finishing up 3 books; Rock, Paper, Scissors, Worth Fighting For, & Love Naturally.

    1. Nice! I read Rock, Paper, Scissors last year + it was an interesting one!

  1. Happy New Year. I read 71 books in 2024. Thanks for hosting the link-up.

    1. Thank you! That’s awesome! :D I’m hoping to shoot for at least 50 this year, but would be awesome to get to/surpass last year’s goal!

  2. I was surprised to discover I read 112 books last year! It sure didn’t feel like it. ha. I set my goal at 80, which is what I’ll do again this year. I forget that Wicked is also a book! I saw the musical a few years back and loved it, so I’m looking forward to watching the movie soon. Thanks for hosting us today!
    Lisa notes recently posted…9 Books I Recommend – January 2025My Profile

    1. That’s amazing!! I don’t think I’ll break 100 this year, but I think I’d like to hit at least 50 (will likely keep upping it as the year goes on if it feels like I’m making good progress, haha.)
      Farrah recently posted…My Month Is Booked: January 2025My Profile

  3. I would love to hear your thoughts on Wicked. I read it YEARS ago (as well as Son Of A Witch), and I blocked out a lot of the wilder parts lol!

    I only read 17 books last year, but I”m off to a great start on my road to 50 in 2025!

    1. My progress has been slow-going since I have it in print version but go through audiobooks way faster — I’ll definitely keep you posted though!

      Yay! I think I’m gonna up my goal to 50 too. We got this! :]
      Farrah recently posted…My Month Is Booked: January 2025My Profile

  4. I read The Golden Couple a few years ago. It was intriguing but a little weird and there’s no way a therapist would operate like that!

    1. haha, for sure! After reading about what she did, I was definitely veryyyy unsurprised that she lost her license..
      Farrah recently posted…My Month Is Booked: January 2025My Profile

  5. Happy New Year! I read 53 books in 2024. Thank you so much for hosting. I’m sitting at #7&8.

    1. Happy New Year! That’s awesome! :] Thank you for stopping by!

  6. I need to link up with you more this year! I’ve read two books this year so far. Last year I read a total of like 84, so I made my goal 25 but I definitely aim to read more. I’m just trying to have fun with it again. I feel like I had a lot of slumps last year.

    I just bought a watercolor set and I’m curious to try learning some watercolor.

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Why I Made My Reading Goal Only 25 BooksMy Profile

    1. Yay! I love having the linkup just to talk about what I did manage to read + get some reading inspiration from others. :] Hope to see you here when you can!

      You and me both! I just found out my bullet journal can handle light watercolor and it’s been super fun! :D

  7. I’m reading Elizabeth Strout’s latest,.

    I never keep track but I think I will this year. I’d like to read 50.

    1. Yay! Good luck! This last month was hard so I unfortunately wasn’t able to read as much, but hoping to be able to go through more for the rest of the year!

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