
There’s something about getting snail mail and packages that just really makes my day. :D

Jun (better known as “Dingbat” or “Hubby” on my phone) sent me yams, an Asian pear and tea because I told him I’d been missing Asian markets. He also sent a couple cards and notes with a plethora of happy and colorful drawings along with it. (This is partially why I agreed to marry him 7 years ago. ;) I need to find a straight equivalent of him and he needs to find a dude equivalent of me. :O Til then, I shall be his beard (not that it’s actually necessary)!

This is wonderful. :D


Rachel & Jaclyn sent me a variety of teas and candy so I could stay warm over the winter! :D (Probably also because I mentioned that I missed Trader Joe’s. :x

I also won a roller cooler bag as part of a raffle last month at Hospital Day. This was pretty much the best thing I could’ve won because I carry around a giant bag of food with me every day. <3

I have the coolest friends ever. :]

I also mailed off all the packages I was supposed to send out today…and couldn’t stop myself from buying a bunch of stuff on Amazon. 5 full seasons of TV shows I adore + 2 of my favorite movies for a grand total of $34.47 was just too good to pass up. I’m also stressed out and retail-therapying because site selection is tonight.

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