Do you consider yourself to be more of a city person or a country person? I’ve kinda talked about life on the farm before, but I feel like my last week before graduation was the first time I truly got to really just sit back and enjoy it. (Sure, there’s tons of work involved, but still.)

This is me with one of our duckies, Littlefoot!
(This post is going to be filled with pictures of adorable animals. You’ve been warned. <3)
Littlefoot is one of four duckies that we got last year. <3 (We’ve had the quack pack since they were babies.)

I named them after characters from The Land Before Time: Littlefoot, Petri, Ducky, and Chomper.
Somehow, I never posted about them on my blog (what’s wrong with me!?!?), but if you’ve been following my instagram for a while, they’ve been all over there!?
One of the things that especially captivated me on my interview here was how pretty it was there and how friendly everyone was. I felt like I was on a very-extended camping trip, and basically living right in the wilderness.
I pretty much moved into Please Save A Cat in April of my second year of medical school, and throughout my clinical years in medical school, I’d come back at least every couple weeks whenever possible to visit Linda and help out–this was my home away from home.

Aside from “the quack pack,” the dinosaur duckies are also known as “the quackers.”

They bring us so much joy! <3 I love sitting out in the patio and watching them roam the fields.

We also have a silky chicken–I named her(?) Pantaloon!

Sometimes, the cats like to stage a takeover of my shoulder. <3

Yay chickens!!

Annie! <3

Annie and Sadie love worms. :O

I’ve been super spoiled with farm fresh eggs! *-*

Bonnie is a 3-legged hound we rescued from a guy in town who said he was going to shoot her because she had one bad leg.

Daisy isn’t actually a dog on the farm, but I was partially babysitting her while I was taking care of the farm. She’s super sweet! <3

Dora is our adorable rescue chuweenie! :D She loves to cuddle!

We like to refer to our guineas as “yard Roombas.”
I used to joke about starting a farm with my friends from grad school, but I never thought I’d ever actually get to live on one (whilst concurrently volunteering at a cat rescue)!

My muffmuff (soon-to-be adopted foster kitty) tromping through the field with the dinosaur duckies + Annie!
Before moving to West Virginia, the last time I saw so many stars in the sky was when I went on a camping trip wayyy up north to the California-Oregon border (I actually have a couple posts on those that’ll be appearing later on this year!). This state is absolutely gorgeous.
I have never been much of a city person, and living here has really only compounded that. (Traffic and large crowds especially.) I couldn’t be happier about the program I’m going to for residency, but I am so going to miss the animals, the friendliness that tends to come with small towns, all the open space, and (obviously) Linda. I owe them all for the preservation of my sanity and happiness throughout medical school. <3
- Are you a city person or a country person? Or something in between (e.g. suburbia)?
- How many animals do you think we have on the farm, total? :P We have a hundred rescued cats, just to give you a hint…
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It was a pleasure to share our life and the farm. We will all miss you @PleaseSaveAcat #PleaseSaveAcat @ShelteredAndSafe #ShelteredAndSafe
I miss you so much! <3!! But see you next week!?!? <3!!
I wanna say enjoy your time here, Farrah, but it looks like you already are :)
Shashi @ RunninSrilankan recently posted…Broth & Salsa Flavored Salmon Burgers with Turmeric Quinoa
It’s definitely one of my favorite places ever! <3!!
Aww! So many cute animals!!! Hope you have a lovely day <3
Edye |
They definitely make my days better! <3!
There was a time when I wanted to BE a farmer, growing up! Haha! I had my birthday party at a farm once too! :P
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Harissa Salmon with Shredded Coconut
haha, it’s so much work, but at the same time, I feel like it’d be pretty rewarding!
That must have been an awesome birthday party! :]
SO many cute animals! I’m definitely a girl with a heart for the suburbs! I like being close enough to the city for work but further enough away that it’s peaceful and more relaxed – and the benefit of living in the suburbs of Sydney is that the beach, mountains, country and city is all within an hour or so’s drive!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Why Coeliac Disease is More Than a Gluten Free Diet
I’m with you on suburbia! That’s probably the busiest I could ever go to live in, haha. :P It’s definitely a lot more peaceful and relaxed there! That’s awesome that everything’s pretty close to you! :]!
I’m definitely a country person, but I like to have a city decently close by so as to not have to drive over 30 minutes just to go shopping and attend events. But give me all the land for my house so I can have more animals!
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Vegetable-Packed Recipes for Eat Your Vegetables Day
Same here! That’s probably why suburbia is the most “crowded” I’d be cool with living in, hahaha. :] But I can’t take all the traffic/crowds/high cost of living in cities!
I wonder how many “ahhhs” where said when looking thru this post ;) I’m kind of between a city and country person – actually more like a beach person!! Love love the photos of those kitties. As soon as my daughter gets over her live animal phobia, I’m adopting an adult rescue cat for sure :)
hehehe, probably lots! <3!! They're so darn adorable!
I am totally a beach person toooo! :]! Too bad it's so expensive to live by the beach! :[ I hope your daughter stops being scared of them soon!!
I used to think I loved cities… but now crowds and traffic really get under my skin! I joke I’m a country mouse (any one else have that book when you were a kid?) It’s probably more accurate that I’m a suburbia mouse… but the edge of surburbia… heading out to the country. :-)
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Summer Berry Kale Salad
I like visiting them, but I definitely a country mouse too! (I immediately thought of that book when I asked that city/country question! :P ) I’d like being on the edge of suburbia too! :]
I live in a small rural town right now but spent most of my childhood in the country, I prefer it. I grew up on 40 acres of woods, my parents still live there and I love it.
I grew up in suburbia before living on the farm for a while! It’s so pretty out in more rural areas! :]!
Hey Stranger… know I am a country girl (but a small part of me is city as well). I guess I live in the country now, definitely a small town and I love it. Would I have a small farm myself, I often think that I would, however we like to travel a lot and having the farm responsibility would hinder that. I love ducks, I think i have told you that before, my husband would add ducks to our farm if we could. I even told him to look up and endangered species, get a grant, raise them and save somethings at the same time…..sounds good right? I hope you have many chances to visit the farm you love so much, you will probably need the break.
Hello hello! Life’s been rather insane, haha. I like cities for their conveniences and all the diversity, but I’m definitely not a fan of all the traffic and crowds and high cost of living. I feel ya on the all-out farm part–that’s why I feel like I probably couldn’t live on a full-on farm, but I’d love to grow my own fruits/veggies and have a small bunch of pets someday!
That actually does sound like a really awesome idea! If you happen to have a pond in your backyard…
I hope I’ll get to maybe for Thanksgiving! She lives 7 hours away, so a little too far for a weekend trip, but maybeeee I can get that Friday off too? (Highly unlikely, but one can dream! :O )