Esther (Chocolate Runner Girl) nominated me for the Inspiring Blogger Award! :] Thanks so much! You should go check her blog out! We’re currently doing a Foodie Friday linkup with Montana, Annmarie and Emily, and she posted a delicious recipe for a green smoothie! :]
The Rules:
- Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
- List the rules and display the award.
- Share seven facts about yourself.
- Nominate 15 other blogs you enjoy, then comment on their posts to let them know that you have nominated them.
7 Things About Me:
1. I did Tahitian and hula dancing for about 4 years in undergrad! I really missed it when I graduated, so I started teaching weekly classes in the school gym when I got to med school. We got to perform in Carnegie Hall for the past two years (Follies 2013 + 2014)!
2. My brother told me that if I ever move back to California, I should live close to him because he’d be completely willing to pay all my grocery bills if it means that he gets to eat the food I cook. He also says he’s proud of me for finally going self-hosted, and even shared my blog with a couple of his friends! I’ve actually kept this blog completely unpublicized until recently (the last 2-3 months), so this was rather awesome to hear! Slaving through >700 posts and putting everything together from scratch-ish was a rather tedious and arduous task since I’m archaic and very technologically un-advanced. I’m really glad that’s over with!
3. I’m currently fostering an adorable cat from Please Save A Cat. Purdy Girl was my roommate while I was living at the shelter, and she makes it really hard for me to do anything productive because she’s so darn cute. She’s around 5 years old, but she’s tiny, so I keep accidentally calling her a kitten. Her favorite spots to chill include windowsills, the bottom of my bookshelf, and my bathroom cabinet.

4. I accidentally left an open bag of frozen raspberries on the counter the other day, and this is apparently what happens when you do that. I totally thought someone had died. :[

5. Since I’m a broke/frugal medical student and attempting to live like a minimalist for the next year, I refuse to buy any furniture. This is what my home office looks like. (The desk chair + bookshelf were free. My desk is full of awesome and very functional.) I’m currently in the process of trying to sell a ton of the things I own (namely, textbooks and clothing).

6. Although everyone thinks of me as the crazy cat lady (they’re not wrong, as I am surely headed in that direction–who else can say they spent the last 3 months living at a cat shelter?), I actually started out life as a total dog person until I found Ninja while volunteering at a homeless shelter and smuggled her home. I apparently haven’t changed all that much in the past 9 years, but she’s gotten rather large. That being said, the real truth is that I love pretty much all animals, and volunteer at no-kill shelters whenever I get the chance to. :]

7. I’m actually in a lingerie model contest and would very much appreciate your votes! To vote, please click this link (or the image below)!
After you get on that page and have found my picture (I’m #4! or the only Asian one, har har), you’ll see the image pictured below (it’s in the bottom right-hand corner!) and email it to modelsearch@lovelbb.com! (The form will pop up when you’re on the page.

The winner gets a prize package that I’m hoping will contain goodies that I’ll be able to donate to next year’s Lovely Rita Fundraiser back home since I can never physically be there for it! (It also gives me an excuse to go back to visit and help out at Please Save A Cat and Friends For Life. <3)
These are the blogs I’m nominating!
- Annmarie @ The Fit Foodie Momma
- Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder
- Emily @ Whatever Floats Your Oats
- Jennifer @ Wine to Weightlifting
- Amy @ Will Run For Ice Cream
- Jessica @ Healthy = Happy
- Autumn @ AutumnPTW
- Christine @ Food Addict & Fitness Fanatic
- Jodi @ Tiny Thunder Running
- Laura @ Laura: Fat2Fit
- Sarah Grace @ Fresh Fit N Healthy
- Cassandra @ Almost Getting It Together
- Deborah @ Confessions of A Mother Runner
- Lauren @ Run Salt Run
- Courtney @ Running For Cupcakes
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Thanks for the nomination, girl!!
Congrats on the self-hosting; isn’t it grand? Now your blog is YOURS! :)
I love the whole minimalist idea.. I bought my house in 2004 and have cycled through a husband, my sister, and a live-in boyfriend; all while just accumulating more STUFF. I have a plan to start to declutter and just get rid of things; I secretly envy those living in one-bedroom apartments.. ;)
jennifer recently posted…Crossfit is a gateway drug
Anytime! :] I love your blog!
It’s definitely an awesome feeling now that all the smoke and dust have cleared! (At long last!)
I basically came across that realization when I moved twice this year–I have wayyy too much stuff, and if I ever really do get to move back closer to home again (across the country), I need to start getting rid of the bulk of it! It’s really hard to get started, but once I developed a system of sorts, it was a lot easier! (By that, I basically mean that there’s a pile of boxes with stuff I need to sell/donate in the corner of my living room.) :P
It does look like someone died or something. Wow lingerie modeling-how cool! Thanks so much for nominating me for the blogger award I’m really flattered thanks again!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Friday Five-Favorite Race Memories
Of course! :D I don’t really run anymore, but I really enjoy reading your blog! :]
I originally entered it so that if I won, I’d have an extra excuse to go back to visit friends and help out at the shelters I volunteered at. We’ll see what happens! :P
Farrah! Thank you for the Nomination! I cant wait to get started! Autumn
Autumn recently posted…Agent 99 Talks Style
I hope you have fun with it! I have a tendency to blather on and on, so the limit of 7 facts was probably a very good idea for me, haha. :P
omg i can’t believe the berries! LOL
Not gonna lie! I was horrified until I realized what had happened. It looks like a crime scene!
Wait- 700 posts!?! That’s crazy- you must have been blogging for a long time and I think it’s wonderful that your brother is so supportive. Also, when I saw your lingerie model picture and name I got totally confused for about 30 seconds…I was like waaaiiiitt…that’s not her name! Haha, BRAIN DEAD today! I’ll go cast a vote in your favor ;)
Annmarie recently posted…Foodie Friday: Almond Joy Smoothie
It’s been a longgg time! I actually started my first blog in 2001 on LiveJournal (back when you needed the invite code and everything!) and migrated to wordpress about a decade later. :O
I didn’t start publicizing it or being active on any social media until about 4 months ago, when I joined Recipe ReDux and Girls Gone Sporty. I love it though! :] It’s been so fun getting to know everyone!
Thanks so much, this is awesome! I’m getting a lot of blogger love :-) Hula dancing is something I’ve always wanted to try, it sounds like a lot of fun! And I’d also pay you to cook for me, your recipes always look amazing. Seriously, please come live in Florida? Haha! That raspberry thing looks funny- I’d probably have freaked out too if I walked into my kitchen to see that! And I’m definitely a cat person too- can’t wait until I can get my own!
:D! Hula is super fun! I’m no longer on campus so I guess the only place to do it now is just in my own apartment (sigh!).
I do very much love the warmth and the beaches in Florida (maybe not so much the humidity). I’m actually gonna be in Florida in mid-October though!
I hope you can soon! They’re so awesome to have around, and the fact that they’re so easily amused on their own makes me feel less guilty about not always being at home.