first WV snowfall!

So I tried taking a nap last night in hopes to quell the food coma that had washed over me. I had every intent of waking back up to continue studying, but if we know me well, I don’t take naps. I take comas. I woke up this morning to about 12 calls from mom/dad/brother, who’d all presumably thought that I’d died, because they saw on the news that the storm had reached West Virginia and it’s apparently been declared a state emergency and I was dead to the world in slumber. They even closed down the school for the day, and apparently, this rarely (if ever) happens. I’ve been lucky so far (knock on wood…) and still have power + internet, so studying can still happen (yep, that’s still my top priority. hah.).

The second time I got up this morning, I awoke to a text from my neighbor saying that he’d left something on my porch. Usually, this would be a good thing, since he’s left me various dehydrated fruits and Jordan almonds and such in the past, but my mind flashed back to a previous conversation we’d had where he said he hoped it would snow soon, so he could pee my name in the snow. That was exactly what I was expecting, but nope, it wasn’t even my name.

Hater. I can’t even feel special.

But to his credit, at least he didn’t put cotton balls on Cordelia last night. This is the second year I’ve lived in a cold climate and both times, it’s snowed basically around Halloween (if I recall correctly, we got snow on October 30th last year in NJ). Here’s my front “yard”!

And here are pictures from my balcony! :D I really want to go sledding down our backyard, so I may devise a sled out of cardboard and a giant garbage bag soon. A friend from church called to make sure I was still alive. Twas rather nice of him! :O

It’s really pretty here, although I don’t think I’ll be venturing outside until I have to (e.g. tomorrow, if we still have lab/that quiz that we don’t have a lecture on…). I like this whole warm and toasty feeling that really only happens when I’m indoors. I can’t go to the gym (which can be remedied by poling/at-home workouts), but what really sucks (first world problem alert) is the seemingly insatiable hunger I feel. ;_; I keep eating but never feel full. I’m sure it has to do with the cold and all, but crud! ._.

F: I feel like I’m never full. :[
C: That’s because you’re actually Kirby. You have a clever disguise, but I can see through it.
F: I’m a pink blob that can engulf people?
C: And float, don’t forget the floating.

Part of a conversation from one of my good friends back in CA (socal, to be more exact), where there are no discernible seasons:
R: By the way, just so you know, while it’s snowing there, I am still in shorts and flip flops over here. :D
F: Thanks, Rachel, just twist the knife a little more, why don’t you? ;_;

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