I’m back (today’s my half-birthday! :O )!
There are still a couple posts scheduled into the future, but I’ll actually be posting in [almost] real-time again (no way!). It’s really cold and dark here, which is a very stark and unwelcome contrast from the 70-to-90-and-sunny weather I was enjoying down south, but I suppose all good things must come to an end. Maybe the cold will help to jolt me back to reality a little faster.
I have a world of stuff to catch up on, so I’ve been trying to tackle it all one step at a time (slowly, but surely!). I’m done unpacking, semi-cleaning my apartment, catching up on emails, bills, school stuff, and the like. I even went to a Zumba class yesterday evening!

We were greeted with this outside the hospital gym.
Why yes, come right to me, Ebola! ._.
My first ER shift is today (starting in 1.5 hours, as a matter of fact). I’m a little scared because I don’t know what to expect, have no idea which of the 4 ER physicians I’m following, and barely know where exactly to show up because the directions were fairly vague and/or nonexistent. I sincerely hope that my preceptors don’t find me utterly incompetent. I have a tendency to talk myself out of the right answer. Oh, self-doubt, how you plague me.
I also don’t really know what my eating situation is going to be like. (If you’ve been with me here a while, you’ll know that I plan my life around my meals. >_> ) I suspect I won’t have much time for actual meals, so I plan to stuff my pockets with all sorts of goodies. Jerky, granola, nuts, protein bars, sandwiches and bananas are probably going to fuel me through my 12-hour shifts.

Welcome to 3/4 of my granola collection. Yes, I’m a hoarder. :x
I figure the best approach is to just do my best. I’ve always found Emergency Medicine to be interesting, but I don’t think it’s something I’d want to do for the rest of my life. Still, I’m excited to see what it’s like and to get to do procedures and such! (And hooray for getting to wear scrubs instead of dressing up every day!)
Here’s to hoping that I get to learn and do a lot!
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Goo luck! Alex just finish his ER rotation, and let’s just say he didn’t have much time to himself….
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Mama Needs a New Pair of (Running) Shoes!
Thanks! I actually got out an hour early today! (Granted, it was my first shift and he was probably being nice, haha.) We’ll see how dead I feel by the time 4 weeks roll around. :O
You are so disiplined! I need to get better about packing healthy snacks when I’m out. Good luck with ER! I’m sure you’ll rock it.
Jen recently posted…Pumpkin Patch 2015
Thank you! Today was a longgggg day. D: The preceptor I had was really nice though, so that was a definite plus!
I was dating a guy earlier this year who’s in med school…He’s in his rotations now, but when I was with him it was all through Step 1 studying and testing. Oh fun!! I learned waaaayyyy more than I ever wanted to about medical stuff lol!! Anyway, good luck and all the best! You guys work hard, but we need you!
AMP runs recently posted…Handana Review!
Oh gosh, I am so, so sorry. Props to you! I don’t think I would’ve been able to do that (or the guy would’ve had to pretty much be The One). Step 1 studying made me the most antisocial hermit on the planet. I moved my hot water boiler and rice cooker down into a basement study room at school and would pretty much spend 16+ hour days there. Full of fun, and definitely something I never want to ever have to repeat again. ._. I’m sure we kinda seem like we’ve gone crazy too, with all the weird little mnemonics and hints we use to remember stuff. :P Here’s to hoping it’ll all be worth it soon!
Good luck in the ER. My mom’s a nurse, and she’s the first person who’ll tell anyone that ER can be rough. She’s watched a lot of fellow nurses gain weight due to those shifts. It’s great you’ve already planned for it.
Kay @ Kay Bueno recently posted…How I’m improving for Seawheeze 2015.
Thank you! My first day went fairly well! My preceptor was super nice to me, and there are pockets of time every now and then to eat, so those are definite pluses! :]
Happy half-birthday Farrah!!! Congratulations on your first ER shift! I would have also been scared, but I’m sure you shined like the shining star you are :) The idea of stuffing your pockets with goodies fills my little heart with joy lol, it a great plan since you don’t know what your eating schedule is going to be.
Thanks, Mary! The top blog post reel is from my archives, so this was actually from a couple years back, although it is coincidentally getting closer to my half-birthday again, and I finished my ER rotation in residency not so long ago! (The stuffing pockets with snacks thing still holds true! ;P )