defecting | fairyburger


I was at the gym yesterday doing cardio since it was my off-day from lifting and I had a whole lot of notes to commit to memory. (These notes are basically the only way I keep myself going when I’m doing cardio because I hate it. :[ )


Halfway through my workout (yay intervals! they’re slightly more interesting than usual-cardio), my friend came over.

S: Farrah, what are you doing on this side of the room?!
F: It’s not what it looks like! I lifted yesterday! Today’s my off-day and I have stuff to memorize.
S: Ok good. As long as you’re not abandoning us over there.
F: Of course not! I just figured I shouldn’t lift today because I did yesterday. Don’t judge me!
S: Alright, because when I saw you over here, I thought you’d defected to the other camp.
F: Hell to the no. :O I’ll be back tomorrow!

On a completely different note, it’s club night tonight! Time to recruit all the members we can!

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  1. I always used to consider cardio days as “off days” too, but I really hate it…so now I’ve decided that cardio is hard work and it is a workout. ;)
    Charissa (@ColourfulPalate) recently posted…7 Colourful ThingsMy Profile

    1. That’s a good way to look at it! I really need to incorporate it back into my life!

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