Happy Monday + welcome to another Medical Mondays and my second “Day in the Life” for residency!
This time around, my rotation was in practice management. Originally, I had not a clue as to what this was and figured it was on adulting and learning to bill/code.
But…not quite!
Day in the Life: Practice Management
8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
This rotation was definitely a nice “break” in between the madness that will ensue! (I only averaged ~60-ish hours/week on my surgery rotation, so that could’ve been a lot worse.)
Since I typically walk to work and only interns get their parking completely validated, I’d find my seniors and check to see if they needed/wanted free parking. :]
I typically spent my mornings at the office seeing patients, which was nice because it gave me an extra hour (lunchtime) to catch up on notes if I was running behind.
As an intern, I have to talk with my preceptor after I take the patient’s history and again before discussing the plan with my patient. (If you’ve ever been to a residency clinic and had to wait longer than you wanted to, this is typically why it takes longer, especially when we’re backed up on patients/short on preceptors, etc. I apologize, but we’re doing the best we can!)
I had one morning where they accidentally double-booked me with two patients in the same time slot. Originally, I thought maybe it was just a “two-pack” (e.g. a mom and her kid), but…nope. Despite this, I thankfully managed to see and take care all my patients an hour before lunchtime and they all left happy. (Hooray hooray!)

I usually start writing my note(s) while I’m waiting. >_>
After about 6 months, I’ll get to discuss things with my preceptor just once for each visit, but for now, my patients are just gonna have to bear with me! ._. (Some of them are pretty comfortable with me doing that now, but it’ll be officially lifted in about half a year.)
Thankfully, most of my patients have been super understanding and as patient as can be expected. I finally have business cards(!), so I give them out to the patients I have who are looking for a new doctor and/or have kids they want to bring in. :] I’ve been taking care of everything from the common cold to complete physicals to hair loss and unexplained numbness!
I have a habit of engaging my patients in conversation and found out that one of em’ happens to be the president of a chorale near where I live! She gave me her contact information and I’m super hoping that I can be a part of it! It unfortunately meets at the same time as my weekly dance practice (which is already questionable in terms of how often I’m able to go), so I’m not sure how that’s gonna work out, but…we’ll see what I can come up with. (…I need Hermione’s Time-Turner.)

I mentioned back in September that everyone had to switch over to the ICD-10 system. Here are some more codes for you!
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
I get an actual set lunchtime!!! :O (You learn to appreciate the little things, haha.) I usually use this time to engulf food at record speeds while finishing my notes if they’re not done yet, and then working on my assignments*.
1 p.m. – 5-6 p.m.
I typically spent my afternoons shadowing/working with different parts of the office, including my nurses/medical assistants, the front desk with phone calls + checking in patients, the resource unit + home visits, making referrals, triaging, precepting, and with veterans’ services. It helped me to get a better idea of what everyone else’s jobs entailed so that we could all work together more efficiently and seamlessly.
We had a bunch of assigned articles and videos to read/watch and several assignments to write up based on the material, so I usually spent my lunch hour working on those so I could work on other things or go places (e.g. dance practice, which is an hour away) when I finished for the day.
I’m gonna miss having daylight hours to get stuff done… *-*

- Which of those ICD-10 codes do you find the most ridiculous?
- Do you have a primary care provider that you regularly see, or is it generally a different doctor every time?
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Other contact with a squirrel?! What? haha
Thanks for sharing! It’s interesting to see what bloggers do in their everyday life. It sounds like you have quite a packed schedule, but yay for a set lunchtime and business cards! It sounds like it’s going well and you’re learning a lot, so that’s always awesome too. Good luck with everything!
Oh, and to answer your question – I have a primary care doctor that I tend to see all the time. If I come in for something like a cold or whatever, I might see another doctor that is free.
p.s. based on your comment on my blog, have you tried contacting BloggingForBooks to help them upload your review? It has to be something on their end ; how strange!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Blogoversary Giveaway #2: Reader’s Tote Bag
haha, right!? They have the weirdest codes out there.
That rotation was thankfully pretty laidback compared to the ones I have coming up, so I definitely appreciated the break! I hope the rest of this year goes well too! I appreciate the luck/
Yay, that’s cool! :]! I need to find a doctor around here–haven’t gotten around to that yet but I probably should, hehehe.
Sadly, yep. I email them every couple days so as not to be too freakishly annoying but they take forever to get back to me. I have no idea what’s going on with it, but it’s rather saddening!
Thank goodness for a regularized schedule, huh? I love that you make sure to validate your seniors’ parking, you DOLL
Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Lunching Ladies and Impromptu Long Runs
haha, yes indeed! I’m in the ED right now and my shifts are different every day! I’m definitely thankful for my ability to fall asleep whenever and wherever I need to! :O
I’d totally want you to be my primary doctor ;)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Grilled Eggplant Banh Mi Sliders
Aww, thank you! :]! We do take care of Rutgers students!! ;P
There are so many different areas of a medical office to learn when becoming a doctor. I do not envy you for all the knowledge you have to stuff in your head in that short period of time. I do, however, love reading about your rotations. Also, your cat is so adorable. :)
hehehe, this rotation definitely helped to cement together the roles everyone had–I think it’ll really help in streamlining the process! :] I’m glad you like reading about em’, and ah, I adore my cat! <3!
So interesting, your day sounds like a crazy busy one!
The ICD-10 Code I found so ridiculous was the “Inadequate Social Skills one”. Haha, wondering how someone would have an injury from that :-D
And yes, I prefer seeing my regular doctor / medical clinic. Once you find a place and doctor who is perfect, why change? :)
haha, right?! There’s a code for everything out there!
Agreed! That’s why I love the idea of family med so much–I’ll (hopefully) really get to know my patients!
Farrah – I am LOLin over all the codes – preferably the squirrel one…like that is ridiculous and so is the spacecraft one…you must see a lot of astronauts!
You seem to be thriving in this placement :) Happy for you! I would love to have you as my doctor!
Don’t know how you balance blogging and rotations though…seriously, admire you!
hahaha, I have yet to see an actual astronaut, but I’ll let you know when/if I do! :P
I really like it here! It’s a lot of work but I’m surrounded by awesome people, so that makes it okay! :] (And thanks so much! <3 )
I've been scheduling a billion posts into the future, but the queue is unfortunately running low, so I'm trying to schedule more right now! It's like a life of playing constant catch-up!
oops – also forgot to say – i never see the same doctor, i have a tendency to get sick/hurt during off hours and have to go to urgent care
Ah! I hope the injuries aren’t serious (+ thank goodness for urgent care!)!
Contact with squirrels!? Wow, amazing. So cool that you have business cards now!
Sarah @ BucketListTummy recently posted…7 Things I Did This Weekend and Reader Survey (I Need Your Help!)
haha, right?!
I feel so legit with them! :]!
Under-dosing of caffeine? Wait, so I actually NEED to drink coffee ;)
I hope to work in the medical field when I’m older so I always love reading these posts! It’s so interesting to see what your days consist of.
Edye recently posted…Scriptures For When You’re Anxious.
hehehe, I’m definitely under-dosed in caffeine! :P
Yay! I’m glad to hear that and I hope they help! :] Best of luck to you! <3
Now I really want to know how many smart phone injuries occur each year, hahaha! Or how many squirrel attacks! :P
I see the same doctor I’ve seen since I was a kid, however, if I have something that I know is out of the ordinary I tend to go elsewhere as my GP is only really good for giving prescriptions or referrals. For example, once I had a B6 toxicity (thanks coeliac disease for making my body decide to throw everything out whilst weirdly hoarding water soluble vitamins) and had sensory neuropathy as a result and she kept saying it was nothing to worry about. Luckily I went to another doctor who picked it up and confirmed it with a blood test and it was just in time as all the feeling came back!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bites (Gluten Free & Vegan!)
Some of the ICD-10 codes make me laugh. We didn’t use too many odd ones in dermatology, but that overdose on caffeine one happened quite a bit more than I would have thought when I helped out in Family Medicine from time to time, LOL They told me the Insta Care gets some unusual ones at times too, LOL
I actually do use a PC Dr. he’s great I really like him. He took over from my childhood dr, and when he switched locations I just went with because he’s awesome! Even living 5 hours away now, I’ll probably still take the drive when needed to go back to him, LOL
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