Happy Monday + welcome to another Medical Mondays and my fifth “Day in the Life” for residency–Newborn Nursery, aka my last rotation for the calendar year! I’ve been in residency for half a year already–where has the time gone!? It feels like Match Day really wasn’t all that long ago!
A moment of full disclosure: I’ve never been much of a baby person. I’m the kind of person who’ll get super excited and greet the dog first before I’ll say hello to the human holding onto the other end of the leash. Babies, not so much.
I adore my niece and I promise I don’t hate kids; the not-spoiled + well-behaved ones are awesome to be around, and I get along well with most of them partly because I probably act like a really big kid, but on the whole…please refer to #1 of my “Reflections on Pediatrics.” :P
That being said, I really enjoyed this rotation! I think the purpose of it was to make sure we got tons and tons of practice with newborn exams, and…well, that definitely happened.
Day in the Life: Newborn Nursery

6am – 8am
Yes, 6am is early, especially when you’re not a morning person, but I originally thought this rotation started at 5:15 which would effectively mean I’d have to start walking to work at 4:50am or so…given that, I was completely okay with a 6 am start time. ;] (It’s amazing what a little perspective can do, right!?)
I’d meet up with the peds intern in the morning and we’d split up the babies for the day, round them all up from their moms’ rooms and do all the newborn exams, follow up on bilirubin levels, hearing and CCHD (critical congenital heart disease) screenings and work on discharges and progress notes. Then we’d talk to the mom about anticipatory guidance + follow-up care, tips on breastfeeding, bottlefeeding, how to have the baby sleep, etc.

Turkey remnants from Thanksgiving!?
8am – 9am
There were peds lectures every morning from 8-9am and depending on how much work we had left to finish up, we would sometimes get to go to em’!
9am – 12pm
We’d follow up on labs/tests and write up other notes while our attending did his/her exams. Then we’d present our patients, discuss our plan of care, and go round with our attending on all the babies’ families.

This is how we roll during our conference lectures on Fridays. (Kidding. We were doing board prep questions and my friend wanted me to demonstrate what suboccipital inhibition/OMT was.)
12pm – 1pm
Yay for an actual designated-ish lunchtime! Peds and FM have been interviewing med students on Wednesdays and Fridays so I’ve been getting free double-lunches, which means that one ends up being free dinner. ;P
I also got to go to a resident wellness meeting and found out about an awesome program in NJ that helps people to learn to turn their lives around with the food choices they make! There’ll be a whole separate entry on this later. :D!

Just for kicks, here’s the delicious food they made for the meeting!
I’m currently in the process of making my own kraut!! :D Will keep you guys posted on whether or not I succeed with that–I’ve really just been squishing it in its jar every day.
1pm – 4:30/5-6pm
In the afternoons, we waited for deliveries/c-sections and we’d take turns going with our senior resident to attend the deliveries. Some afternoons would be pretty quiet whereas others would be super busy. I actually bumped into my former housemate (we lived together 5 years ago when I was here for grad school!) on the floor last week because she recently had her daughter! :O!
I had office hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so I’d run off to see my patients. I’m actually starting to build my own patient panel and have regulars who specifically request to see me! :]!! My patients have been saying super nice things about me and it makes my day! :D
You’ve got great bedside manner…and I really like your socks.”
“I didn’t feel comfortable bringing this up with you last time since I’ve never had a female doctor before, but you make me feel like I can talk to you about anything. I’m glad I finally decided to stop being so stubborn and to just come in!”
“Thank you for listening to me.”
“Thank you for recommending that for us; I really think it’s going to help a lot!”
I also got to precept with my program director for the first time ever and she said my presentations are awesome(?!) + that I’m way ahead of the curve because even though I talk very quickly, they’re fast, coherent and practical so she enjoys em’ since she doesn’t have to sit there forever waiting for me to get to the point. (Hooray!)

Cute Christmas decorations in the cafeteria!
- Baby humans or baby animals? I’m getting better at wrapping em’ into little baby burritos to keep em’ warm?!
- Have you ever been complimented on something that you thought you
sucked atneeded to work/improve on?
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Having good bedside manner is a must ;)
And the tree <3 That tree makes my Christmas complete <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Classic Gluten-Free Gingerbread Cookies (Vegan)
I try, I try! ;P
Isn’t it cute!? <3
I had a newborn in the nursery less than six months ago, so this fascinates me. Also, I had a med student observe/help with my VBAC four years ago and I’m sure there’s no way you looked as scared as he did!
hahaha, I was probably just like him about 6 years ago! I witnessed my first c-section while I was shadowing my cousin while she was in her OB/GYN residency! :P I’m getting better with the poker face though!!
So fun to read about your rotations and how inspiring to have regular patients now – that’s what keeps you going! You go, girl!
Thanks, Deanna! It definitely makes my days better! :D!
I love babies and hope to be a RN someday in a pediatrics hospital. Your posts always inspire me for my future career even more =)
Edye recently posted…Christmas Music Playlist // 2016
Aww, I’m glad they do! <3 Best of luck to you! Following you on your journey virtually will be awesome! :D
Looks like it was an overall good day! I’m a morning person and starting to “work” on someone else’s time at 6am is even early for me!
Tara | Treble in the Kitchen recently posted…Healthy Peanut Butter Buckeyes
haha, it’s been a struggle! I’ve been trying to get myself to sleep later, but it’s so hard–there’s always so much to do still!
Ah Farrah, you are such an awesome doctor and I’m so glad you enjoyed this rotation!
I love baby anythings, haha!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Vegan Christmas Pudding Baked Oatmeal
Aww, thanks so much, Kristy! Definitely trying/hoping to be! <3
I miss when my duckies were babies! :P
I also can’t believe it’s halfway through intern year ahhh! Match day was amazing – so long ago!
Natalie @ Obsessive Cooking Disorder recently posted…Curry Coconut Butternut Squash Soup
Forreals! The time passed by so quickly!!
Farrah recently posted…Protein Cookies and Cream Mint Hot Chocolate