My preceptor is a total foodie. He may actually love food more than I do(?!). (This is how I knew we’d get along from the start.)
Life is, in short, wonderful, which is especially welcomed because I don’t know if you could glean from my last post, but…childbirth is not my thing. I want nothing to do with it, so I was a little terrified of this rotation. If not for my terrible experience in psych, this specialty would be at the top of my do-not-want list.
You’ll probably be happy to know that I haven’t had a chance to catch or drop any babies yet. I don’t get to do as much on this rotation because there are a bunch of residents at this hospital, but he lets me jump in whenever possible, which I appreciate. (He actually turned down two residents last week so that I could assist on a c-section! :O )
Day in the Life: OB/GYN
A Typical Day
8 – 12/1-p.m. We generally have 2-4 cases in the morning before lunch. I’ve gotten to see scheduled c-sections, normal vaginal deliveries, endometrial ablations, tubal ligations…
This particular day I’m talking about just had two surgeries. One was the removal of a dermoid cyst (teratoma). If you’ve never heard of one and don’t get grossed out too easily, feel free to go through Google images. I got to cut it open before we went to the next case, and it was pretty disgusting–copious amounts of sebum, clumps of hair…I stopped when I found the teeth, because I really didn’t want to find any eyes in there.
The second case was supposed to be a fairly uncomplicated hysterectomy, but the gas decided not to cooperate with us, so we ended up having to extract the uterus from the vagina, which wouldn’t have been so difficult if there hadn’t still been about a millimeter left to cut. I almost got hit in the face with said uterus, but everything is a-okay, and the patient recovered like a champ.
If my preceptor doesn’t have time to get lunch with me, he gives me his credit card and sends me to pick food up for the both of us. Orrrr he gets his friend (who does call on Wednesdays) to take me out for lunch! :O (Said friend texted my preceptor later to tell him that he was really impressed by my ability to eat, and was glad that he finally had a med student who loved food as much as he did. :] )
1-5 p.m. We’re at his clinic across the street from the hospital! His clinic is ultra-busy, and he sees tons of patients, but somehow, he and his staff make it work! (I think this has a lot to do with how well he treats his staff; he is seriously a wonderful human being.)

This is my best friend at the clinic.
I’ve pretty much mastered how to make a patient feel comfortable/at ease whilst listening for fetal heart sounds. Every so often, I’ll come across a patient who’s earlier on in their first trimester (~12-ish weeks), which makes it a little harder to locate, but for the most part, I’ve got it down! :]
We see an average of 40 patients in 4-ish hours, and visits cover OB follow-ups, urinary tract infections, IUD insertions, counseling on miscarriages, loop electrosurgical excision procedures (LEEP), ultrasounds, abnormal bleeding…pretty much anything baby/pregnant/lady-parts-related!
When you spend your each and every day surrounded by lady parts and a mess of hormones, you really have to learn to roll with the punches. Sooo…my preceptor is super laid back and jokes around all the time (twas reminiscent of my surgery rotation!); it’s a ton of fun working with him, and I never-ever go hungry!
Our conversation before lunch on the first day:
Dr. B: Since I get paid $250 to take you as a student, I’ll cover up to $250 of your food expenses this month. After that, you’re on your own!
J: He’s kidding. He never ever keeps track. Eat whatever you want!
F: …:O You are a wonderful human being.
Seriously, that’s unheard of. :o

(This cake was made by one of the nurses for a bachelorette party.)
Parking at the hospital is absolutely terrible. :'( But thankfully, my preceptor’s clinic is across the street from the hospital, so I just park on the far side of that lot and head on over! :]
My actual rotation site is 30-65 minutes away (depending on the day) from my base site, so I’ve been commuting for the first time all year (unless you count the 6 days I spent in Radiology). Podcasts and music have been keeping me company on the way to and from the hospital.
Every Tuesday, my preceptor and I carpool to his rural clinic! Conversation topics revolve mostly around food–what we like to eat, good places to eat, great deals on awesome meals, etc. (I can totally see why my neighbor gained 10 lbs on this rotation, but life is wonderful.)
That being said, today was actually my last day, and weird as it may sound (considering my lack of desire to do anything childbirth-related), I’m actually going to miss this rotation, mostly because my preceptor’s really awesome. (+ there were so many more food adventures to be had! :O )
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That bachelorette party case! HAHAHA! Too funny! I’m glad your preceptor seemed like a good buddy to have during your rotation. Sounds like a hell of a rotation…those two surgeries you just mentioned were quite the adventure. If I never almost get hit in the face with a uterus in my life, I think I’d be okay with that.
hahaha, I definitely don’t feel that I’d be missing out on life if I’d missed out on that experience too. :P But I’m super glad that he’s so laidback and awesome to work with (the people at this hospital aren’t as nice as the ones from the one I’m usually at ._.)!
I decided against talking about the c-sections/deliveries because I’d likely sound like a soul-less wretch, hehehe. :x
OMFG THAT CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t eat cake but SOMEONE better get that for me some day! LOL!!!
And my mom was an obgyn for 30 years! :o
GiGi Eats recently posted…Whoopee! It’s an “Oreo”!
Ain’t it wonderful?! We definitely all got a kick out of it! :P Major props to your mom! I couldn’t ever do this for a living! :x
This was such a great read! It’s very interesting for me to read all about the behind the scene stuff that goes on.
Thanks, Shipra! :]
OMG I just google that and I am sure I am going to have nightmares tonight! Thank god you stopped before the eyes! Your preceptor is awesome! And the nurses too! Haha!! :)
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…Are Other People Judging The Food You Eat?
I’m so sorry, Elsie! :x I can’t guarantee that there were really any eyeballs in there, but…truth be told, I’m totally okay with not knowing for sure! :x
They really are! I’m going to miss that office!
You’ve had some really nice preceptors! I didn’t know they got paid for students. I precept NP students and I don’t get paid! Hmmm.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Race Day Anticipation
I knew they got CME credits for it, but I didn’t know they got paid! Not sure if that’s just something my school worked out with them, or if it’s across the board for med schools!
I absolutely love that cake!
It sounds like OB/GYN is going really well for you despite not really being into childbirth or babies (I’m not either). I could deal with someone who is a foodie- but when I worked in an office, we really only had 1-2 other foodies that worked there so most all the food around the office was plain and boring. It sounds like he’s a great guy all around too!
Amy Lauren recently posted…WAHS Dash Thru the Den 5K (21:31)
I was super relieved that he was so laidback and awesome to work with, because I was seriously dreading this rotation. :x I love working with people who love food, because it generally means everyone’s in a pretty good mood even when things are super hectic! :] He always keeps the drawer in the front stocked with chocolate and other goodies for the staff!
OMG that cake is ridiculously hilarious!!! That cake baker has got some talent hahaha.
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Put together a trail mix with Blue Diamond dark chocolate almonds
Agreed! :D Everyone got a major kick out of it at the office!
What a great guy!! Free lunch rocks :-)
I took a double take on my instagram this morning with that cake. haha!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Rosemary Lemon Asparagus
Hahaha, I’m sorry! It’s definitely not the kind of thing I usually share, but it was too hilarious not to! :P
It sounds like you had an awesome experience for something you weren’t really looking forward to so that’s amazing! Your percepter sounds awesome and I’m glad he made it such a great experience for you too! Oh and free food is the best!
I definitely did! He took me out to lunch today (truth be told, he does almost every day, but still) for my last day! :D! I’m so glad I got to work with him!
Yo, your work environment is BLUH LESSED with some cool coworkers my friend. Cool coworkers.
My friend wants to be an OB/GYN and I never thought she was into that kind of stuff because she dances and runs a lot! I had no clue she was into delivering babies. I’ll have her deliver mine if i ever want a child, lol!
Linda @ TheFitty recently posted…Prom Part 1 – THE SECRET REVEAL
Definitely! :D I’m sad that today was my last day! :[ I’m off to yet another rotation (my last one for 3rd year!!) at the start of next week!
Urk, haha. I definitely appreciate that there are people out there who want to do it, because I’d like nothing more than to stay far, far away! I’m super glad my preceptor was such an awesome person though! :]
Great post.
I’m sure your rotations are so interesting. I can just imagine the variety of “characters” come in to be seen. Docs are special breed. I worked in medicine for almost 20 years before becoming a full-time writer. Enjoy the adventure!
Melanie Pickett, Flying Blonde recently posted…Praying Upside Down {Book Review}
hehehe, they definitely are interesting, and I end up hearing the weirdest, most unbelievable things sometimes! I will for-sure try to enjoy the adventure! :]
Like everyone else. #Icanteven with that cake. TOO FREAKING FUNNY and so well done!!
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Inside Out, National Barbecue Week, Thinking Out Loud
I loved the attention to detail! The fingernails even have polish on em’! :P
I absolutely love reading your day to day accounts of what you do! But I gotta tell you you are far braver than I to see what you do every day! I mean I pretty much passed out when you said you pulled a uterus out if a vagina. OMG! And now I might throw up! Ahhhh Go Farrah!
Jill recently posted…MDW in the ATL
hahaha, I’m so sorry! I’m virtually sending you a barf bag! <3
I think everyone has things that they are and aren't okay with. I'm the most squeamish with deliveries and childbirth, but kinda had to force myself to just suck it up on this rotation! :x
Hey Farrah,
I enjoyed reading about your experience. It is great that you had an Awesome preceptor while you were going through a rotation you were not fun of. I am a loyal fan of “Grey’s Anatomy” and reading about a person in real life experience in rotation is wonderful.
JcCee Barney recently posted…3 Positive Ways To End The Day
Aww, thanks! I’m glad to hear that, and I’m super grateful that I had such an awesome preceptor too–he made this rotation really fun! :]
So I’m not too in tune with the medical field (ahem, business major, lol), but I LOVE day in the life posts. Super cool about the food, but I may have payed extra attention to that since I can smell dinner cooking in the oven. And oh my goodness the cake.
Megan June recently posted…50 Things I Learned My Freshman Year of College
No worries! I [unfortunately] know nothing about the world of business, and have sadly discovered that having some inkling of that knowledge would be super-super helpful in the medical field, but maybe my brother can help me out, haha..
I hope you had an awesome dinner! :D
It sounds like a great experience. Just goes to show that even an un-favorite job can be good if you work with awesome people!
Coco recently posted…God In The Mix
Yes indeed! :D They make all the difference!
I really want to go into obstetrics! I guess it could be less interesting if the people you work with aren’t as cool as the people you described. But I just love babies and I thoroughly enjoyed pregnancy and learning all about how our bodies reproduce!
It sounds like it’d definitely be a good field for you to go into! :]
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: November 2018