
It is a well-known fact that I <3 anatomy, partially because it just makes so much sense. You can usually reason things out at least to some degree even if you can’t remember what exactly something was. Case in point: on the musculoskeletal midterm where they apparently decided that the brachial plexus was completely unimportant despite stressing it on half the 38 lectures we had, I definitely resorted to staring at my legs a lot because they tested us pretty crazily on the lower limb. Therein comes the worry that the proctors would suspect that I was cheating because I was palpating my own pulse on my foot to affirm to myself that yes, that pulse was indeed found posterior to my medial malleolus.

Which, y'know, makes sense, because you're palpating your posterior tibial artery.

Which, y’know, makes sense, because you’re palpating your posterior tibial artery.

F: I kinda feel like I’m cheating because I kept looking at my legs to confirm stuff about veins and such.
A: We work hard to be skinny; we deserve it.

I like this logic.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/cheating/

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