Category: Reviews


Living in the South(-ish) has definitely had some effect on me. I’ve noticed that I’ve been dropping the “g” off of a lot of my words (e.g. “goin’” instead of “going), and I have wholeheartedly embraced the use of mason jars for everything–from storing spices to using it as a water glass, to making

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Affordable Firmoo Eyewear + Discount!

Disclaimer: I received a free pair of prescription glasses from Firmoo in exchange for an honest review. As always, my thoughts + opinions are mine and mine alone!

So…I have a story for you.

Back when I was but a wee little child, my older brother (hi Sam!) told me that I would gain magical …

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Seven Spoons

Seven Spoons speaks to me on a couple levels, the first of which = the fact that it was published on the 21st of this month, which happens to be my birthday…and the author’s birthday! I haven’t come across …

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Journey To Healthy Eating

As you may well know by now, I’m all about promoting healthier lifestyles + dietary habits, and I’m rather interested in nutrition, so when I was given the opportunity to review Chrissy @ Snacking in Sneaker‘s ebook, I was rather intrigued!

You can learn …

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Simply Clean

How do y’all (I’ve been in the south for too long, haw haw) feel about ebooks? :O I used to be all about having hard copies for everything, but in the past several years of (1) being dirt-poor and in over $100k in debt …

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