Category: Reviews

Avoiding Chapped Lips with MyLipStuff

Remember how I talked about the importance of hydration and the awesomeness that is the invention of LVL?

Well, warding off/avoiding chapped lips can also be partially fended off by awesome chapstick!

I’m probably not going to need lip balm again for the rest of my life. :O …although truth be told, I’ve never …

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Nourishing Meals

I have no words about the events that transpired last night that I can coherently share. So we’re just going to talk about the deliciousness that is the contents of this cookbook instead.

Need some #glutenfree, #dairyfree, #soyfree dishes in your life? Check out @nourishingmeals’ #cookbook!

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Fall Foliage in Vermont

A little over a year ago, I got a pair of super comfortable leggings from Janji. I took them on my adventures through Delaware whilst visiting Trish and have since been conquering the world in them.

Alright, I kid. (About conquering the world, anyway. But it felt like I had.)

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DIY 2-Ingredient Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Fun fact (in case you weren’t already aware)! I’m somewhat of a crunchy granola girl in that I’m a big fan of green living. Whenever possible, I try to  reduce my carbon footprint by walking/biking/carpooling/using public transportation, recycling/re-purposing items, and making my own products.

Aside from reusable pads and the DivaCup, …

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Skinnytaste Fast and Slow

Well, it’s been ages since I’ve written a cookbook review (not since Pure Delicious! :O )!, but I’m back at it again, and super excited because I love and adore Skinnytaste and she is out with her second cookbook!

The Cauliflower Tots, Avocado Mango Salsa, and

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