Category: Reviews

The IBS Elimination Diet and Cookbook

I’m on a 2-week stretch of inpatient family medicine service right now so my free time is unfortunately rather sparse, but…I’m back with another cookbook review!

I’ve actually talked about IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) somewhere in the distant past on a Medical Mondays, so this book is super relevant!

Check out …

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The Book of Greens

Outpatient life is the shiz, you guys. Granted, I’m still working 6 days a week because I have call days every weekend for 3 weeks straight, but my senior resident let me leave early yesterday when she found out I wanted to go see my friend perform with the Princeton Symphony for the last …

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Eating Clean

I’m on week 13 and the end is in sight (in terms of finishing my crazy work schedule for the time being…and vacation)! I thought I’d celebrate early by sharing a new cookbook with you–Eating Clean, by Amie Valpone!

Detox your life with @TheHealthyApple’s #EatingClean #cookbook! #ad #EatCleanWithBarleans @Barleans

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One of my favorite SNES games is Harvest Moon and I really like the idea of living off the land and learning to make my own things, so is it really any small wonder that I’d be interested in a book that provides inspiration for different projects using garden plants?

A fan of …

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Travel Ease with Intimina Lily Cup Compact

I guess you know by now that I love to travel and try to sneak that in wherever the hecks I can. I hate to check any bags unless I absolutely have to and try to adopt a minimalist approach to packing that I spent the last year perfecting whilst moving all over …

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