Category: Medical Mondays


Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! This week’s topic is…Appendicitis!

Simply put, appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix. It’s a tiny little organ (actual usefulness is debatable), but that wormy-looking sucker can cause a wholeee lot of pain and misery!


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Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays!

I generally try not to take medications for anything, unless I find it absolutely necessary. (I bought a tiny bottle of Ibuprofen back in 2009 when I messed up my back, and let’s just say…I still have it, and it’s still pretty full.)

However, …

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Sleep Hygiene

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays!

I feel like I’m extremely unqualified to tell you about sleep hygiene because medical students are notoriously horrible when it comes to sleep hygiene. Or really just healthy living habits in general. I think the only group that trumps us may be 1st-year residents/interns. …

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Crohn’s Disease

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! May 19th is World IBD Day, so I decided to choose one of em’ and will be talking about Crohn’s Disease today!

Crohn’s Disease (CD) is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder that can affect any part of the GI tract from the mouth to …

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Skin Cancer

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Summer’s coming up soon, and while I hate to be a total party pooper…May happens to be Skin Cancer Awareness Month, so I feel like I’d be doing a disservice to the world if I didn’t talk about this!

So…before summer starts and you …

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