Category: Poultry

Rosemary Chicken & Steamed Broccoli

This was part of our Christmas feast of 2010. After I exhausted my existence as a garlic fairy (I think we collectively peeled and minced at least 5 balls of garlic–a semi-frightening amount, even for us), there wasn’t enough room for all of us to be in the kitchen. Thus, I was exiled …

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I didn’t consume pizza for the longest time because of the Pizza Overload of 2010 (winter quarter). Those were some terrible times. :[ I’d go for days without seeing a single being in 6F, other than my own reflection as I blearily brushed my teeth in the bathroom each morning and night. But despite the …

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Mozzarella-Stuffed Bruschetta Turkey Burgers with Balsamic Glaze

Presentation isn’t usually my strong suit, but I’m super-proud of how this one turned out! This is one of my prettiest foods I’ve ever made. :O It’s also the last thing I made with my two running/jogging buddies, Mekala and Sylvia, before Mekala ran away to get her PhD in Neuroscience and I …

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