Category: Main Dishes

Chicken & Mushroom Dumplings

The recipe does not get much more basic than this. I’ve only made dumplings one other time in my life (4 years ago), so considering that, these turned out really well! :]

They would’ve been even better with sesame oil in the filling mixture, but we didn’t have any at the time. ;_; However, my …

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BBQ Beef Wraps

Once again, using up ingredients. I really liked this one though. *-* (Not that I didn’t like the others…)

BBQ Beef Wraps

Ingredients: -ground beef -whole wheat wraps -BBQ sauce -lettuce (or some kind of veggie) -mushrooms, chopped -tomatoes, chopped -onions, diced -garlic, minced

Instructions: 1) Spread BBQ sauce on whole wheat …

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Salmon Avocado Sushi

For our humanism class (which I technically wasn’t even enrolled in), we had a potluck during our last class, so Igor and I volunteered to make sushi. (It was a good excuse to get sashimi. <3)

Igor came by to pick me up so we could go get ingredients at Hong Kong Supermarket, which I …

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Sage Pasta

…We made this hella days ago. From what I remember it didn’t have a whole ton of flavor, but it definitely wasn’t bad. :O

Sage Pasta

Ingredients: -10 fresh sage leaves -2 tbsp butter -pepper -pasta -whatever cheese you prefer

Instructions: 1) Grate the cheese. Cook pasta in ample salted water until …

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Creamy Chicken Corn Rice

I think this is kinda cheating as a recipe, but it works, and I guess on busy days (or just days there by the time I get home, I’m starving and can’t be bothered to make things from scratch…), this is a good one. :O

Creamy Chicken Corn Rice

Ingredients: -corn -chicken …

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