March is National Nutrition Month, so in honor of that, the USA Rice Federation is challenging Recipe ReDux members to come up with nutritious + delicious recipes that feature U.S.-grown rice! :] Look for the “Grown in the USA Rice” logo on packages for 100% domestically grown rice at your local grocery store!
Chiquita is having a Cooking Lab Contest! This week’s secret ingredients were:
Chiquita bananas
If you feel so inclined, there’s 9.5 hours left to submit your recipe for this week’s contest! Otherwise, there’ll be a new set of secret ingredients starting tomorrow, and it’s the …
Cooking with Tea: Tea cups around the world are bubbling up with bold new flavors: From cardamom chai and sencha green to bubble teas and veggie teas. We wish we could attend the World Tea Expo the end of this month – but in lieu of a plane ticket, we’ll be cooking and baking and …
I had a box of reduced fat vanilla wafer cookies that I got for 59 cents some time ago, so I decided to make banana pudding to go along with it! I’ve been contributing to church potlucks in an effort to be less of a freeloader and also so I can empty out my apartment …
My house was actually out of soy milk (or really, any type of milk), so we used up the rest of the fresh cream we had from making the Spiced Kabocha Shepherd’s Pie (waste not!). As far as desserts go, this is pretty darn healthy! :] This makes about …
Welcome to Fairyburger! :] I'm Farrah, a Family Medicine physician in the SF Bay Area who aspires to lead by example, and loves all things fitness and food-related, finding great deals, and making every moment count.
Come join me for the "My Month is Booked" linkup on the first Monday of every month to share what books you read over the past month + get reading inspiration from other bloggers/readers! :]
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