The white-chocolate-peanut-butter I bought was nearing the end of its life, but it tastes so good, I didn’t want any of it to go to waste…so I made overnight oats in it! You can throw in dried fruits and nuts too if you want, but I was lazy, and it definitely felt like there was …
Category: Sweet
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Feb 14
Triple Berry Banana Baked Oatmeal
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone (if you celebrate it)!
I was talking to my brother on the phone 2 days ago and came home to find my porch light on. I didn’t remember leaving it on (and also recently discovered that I live perhaps <100 yards from a graveyard, as my neighbor so helpfully pointed out …
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Jan 31
Peach Blackberry Baked Oatmeal
I’m kinda addicted to this whole baked oatmeal goodness. Next week’s project is probably going to be strawberry banana because strawberries are on sale. <3 The batches I’ve been making tend to be enough to basically have it for breakfast every morning until the next weekend comes around. This makes my whole “make meals ahead …
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Jan 21
Pumpkin Cranberry Baked Oatmeal
I miss the wonderfully warm weather from last weekend. :[ When I tell people it’s cold here, sometimes they ask me why, because “isn’t that part of the south?” The reason, my friends, is that I’m up in the mountains. I’m used to living at around uh, 59 feet (and in California, no less, aside …
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Dec 07
Portable Baked Oatmeal
I am almost completely certain that no one from where I currently live reads about or knows about this blog. This is probably a good thing, because it’s such a small town and word travels quickly. There are things that they probably shouldn’t know about me and I’d kinda like to keep it that way. …
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