Category: Breakfast

Peach Blackberry Baked Oatmeal

I’m kinda addicted to this whole baked oatmeal goodness. Next week’s project is probably going to be strawberry banana because strawberries are on sale. <3 The batches I’ve been making tend to be enough to basically have it for breakfast every morning until the next weekend comes around. This makes my whole “make meals ahead …

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Pumpkin Cranberry Baked Oatmeal

I miss the wonderfully warm weather from last weekend. :[ When I tell people it’s cold here, sometimes they ask me why, because “isn’t that part of the south?” The reason, my friends, is that I’m up in the mountains. I’m used to living at around uh, 59 feet (and in California, no less, aside …

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Portable Baked Oatmeal

I am almost completely certain that no one from where I currently live reads about or knows about this blog. This is probably a good thing, because it’s such a small town and word travels quickly. There are things that they probably shouldn’t know about me and I’d kinda like to keep it that way. …

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Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

I made chocolate banana ice cream last night! But since I have posts written for the future til December, you probably won’t see a post about that until…December. Or next year. Har har. Sorry. Just know  that it was good, took 20 minutes, and only required 4 ingredients. Yepyep. Don’t hate.

I feel like pumpkin …

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Loaded Lunchtime Oatmeal

I got this one from ohsheglows and made it while Hurricane Sandy was wreaking havoc everywhere. I modified it a little by adding a can of roast beef in and basically just doubling the recipe, since I didn’t want to have to make a new batch each time (less dishes to wash, …

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