Category: Quick

Ginger Chia Granola Yogurt

I’ve revamped the Recipe Index! There’s a drop-down menu of all the different categories now because I felt that having one fat, long list was getting a little out of hand. Hope it helps!

This recipe kinda happened by accident. As you may well know, I don’t really like the taste of …

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Fruity Turkey Sandwich

Or chicken. Whatever you happen to prefer. :O

I discovered the “manager’s special” shelf for baked goods about a month ago and one of my finds included 4 whole wheat sandwich breads for 99 cents. This was before the appearance of my breadmaker (:D!), so to me, it was a …

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Avocado Banana Alfalfa Sandwich

I’m sure this may probably sound weird, but I assure you it’s actually really good. :O

If I recall correctly, I first tried alfalfa sprouts back in the summer of 2008, while I was taking summer classes, working at the equestrian center and the music library while playing piano on the side and being a …

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Vegan Oatmeal Craisin Cookies

This missed the mark of being a <5-ingredient recipe by just one. Nevertheless, it is also super fast and pretty effing delicious. Recipe was taken and adapted from blogilates! I still have coconut oil left from when we made paleo awesomeness for one of my neighbor’s birthdays, so I’ve been finding reasons …

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Almond Butter

Ever since I adopted this whole home-based learning, I don’t really go to class very much anymore unless it’s for lab or that particular lecture happens to be required. Even so, I still spend the majority of my time not in my own apartment, but downstairs at my neighbor’s. I’m in my apartment mainly to …

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