Category: Day by Day

DIY Ti Leaf Hip Hei

With the help of this and this, we successfully made hip heis (belts) for our Tahitian costumes! :]

Ti Leaf Hip Hei


  • 6 1-inch longgggggg strips of black fabric (long enough to go around …

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I had a lot of baked treats left from the Vagina Monologues and I wanted to bring some over to Larry so he could have one and also take some back to his kids. I knew he was usually there in the mornings, and as luck would have it, two of his kids were …

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faces of the future

I like to refer to us (my friends here, our class, etc.) as “the faces of the future” whenever we do anything completely ridiculous. Thanks to PAX (…which is also the name of our international medicine club), classes were cancelled and our cars have pretty much been buried in snow. I’m only sad about the …

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I cut in front of a friend to get food over the weekend since we were part of the backstage crew helping with an event that I will talk about once pictures come in. (In my defense, I asked first and he said he didn’t mind.)

A: I still haven’t forgiven you, Farrah. I’m not …

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OMT: pelvis

This is one of the regions I was assigned to assess for my midterm practical last year. I got off to a wonderful start by handing my grading sheet to my preceptor and smashing my elbow into the corner of the table as I turned to face my patient. We had a good laugh over …

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