Category: Day by Day


For some reason, I never ended up posting this, so here it is now! In all kinds of weird tenses because I wrote it…last April. As in 2013. I’m cool.

At the end of Endocrine, our school held a bowl-a-thon to raise money for the Talia Seidman Foundation, which helps kids who can’t go to …

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Chocolate Festival 2014

The annual chocolate festival this year was on April 12th! :] As the name might suggest, it encompassed all things chocolate-related. 35 local shops/businesses make some kind of chocolate-related treat and you buy tickets (in increments of 5) at City Hall for “chocolate tastings.” There was also a 10k Chocolate Chase for HospiceCare, a chocolate …

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an end to year 2

I’ve finished my last pre-clinical exam (aka last textbook-studying exam) ever!!!

19 years of school after 2 years of preschool (my brother refused to go without me) and a year of kindegarten.

This doesn’t feel real.

Now I just need to pass boards! (Please be kind.)

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more goodies

My Boards Buddy struck again! :D She is a wonderful soul. :O

Whilst studying for our OPP practical last week, Hira and I decided to loot the president’s office as a snack break. (I may have failed to mention that he keeps a whole bunch of goodies [cookies, crackers, candy, pretzels, etc.] …

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Yesterday was the first day of my new 101 in 1001! (Here’s my old one. I like to think that I gave it a good run!)

It’s amazing how much can change in the span of almost 3 years. I had to make some …

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