Category: Day by Day

fitness goals (revisited)

Tis a beautiful spring day on the farm! (Please be here to stay, spring. I’m about done with your random end-April snowstorms.) I’m not much of a morning person, but have been dutifully trying to turn myself into one because it lets me get more done each day.

It’s been almost 1.5 years since …

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study habits + girls gone sporty

“Your study habits now are the best you’ll ever have.”

I find this somewhat frightening.

In other news, I’m super excited to announce that I’ve been accepted as a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador! GGS is a community of a very diverse array of super inspiring and motivational ladies; Continue reading

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sunshine award

I’d like to thank The Pinterested Parent for my Sunshine Award Nomination. I don’t usually end up passing these along (aka nominating other people–exhibit A) because I’m a terrible human being, but I’m gonna try it out! You should check out her blog as well! It’s …

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Nike Women’s Marathon (2010)

Have you ever wondered what the Nike Women’s Marathon was like? Check out my race recap from when I ran it in 2010!

Nike Women’s Marathon 2010

In the rare instances where I write about doing any form of cardio, I think I invariably mention how much I hate it. This was not always the …

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For some reason, I never ended up posting this, so here it is now! In all kinds of weird tenses because I wrote it…last April. As in 2013. I’m cool.

At the end of Endocrine, our school held a bowl-a-thon to raise money for the Talia Seidman Foundation, which helps kids who can’t go to …

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