Category: Day by Day

fitness 5 on friday (round 4!)

Augh! I can’t believe June is almost over! Where has the time gone?! I’m summarizing my life in pictures. (I’ll spare you of another screenshot of my notes. It just makes me sad. :[ )

There are only a handful of things keeping me sane right now. One of these things …

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Spill It, Sundays

I’m aware that it’s not actually Sunday yet, but I have another post reserved for tomorrow and this doesn’t actually have to be done on Sunday, soooo…

I’m joining in on Spill It, Sundays, which is a weekly linkup to get to know more about different food/fitness/healthy lifestyle bloggers outside of …

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fitness 5 on friday (round 3!)

1. What is your favorite time of day to workout?

Despite not being a morning person in any way, shape or form (society just forces me to continually try to be one so I can get more done in a day :[ ), I love working out first thing in the morning. :] I usually …

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Pumpkin Vegetable Soup

Here’s another recipe from 6F feasting (this one’s also pilfered from Jun)!

I know the weather’s warming up in most parts of the world, and I tend to enjoy warm soups on cold nights, but I’ve been caught in severe thunderstorms for the past couple nights and it’s …

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Update: May Fitness Challenge (05/23-05/31)

About a year ago, these conversations happened. If you hone in on that very last conversation, we’ll have my current situation now (except that I did not in fact kick Scott out of his room :O ). I didn’t get Lewisburg as my rotation site, but I have in fact officially moved …

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