Category: Day by Day

The Secret Life of Lies

Jennifer Gulbrandsen is a writer who lives in the Chicago area and blogs about pop culture, lifestyle and motherhood over at Just Say Jenn! She’s also a competitive distance runner, soccer coach, personal trainer, and rescues + fosters Siberian Huskies! <3

She started piecing together the …

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Vision Board

This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ was to create a vision board! :D!

I loved this theme because I’ve always wanted to make my own vision board(s); I’ve just never gotten around to doing it!

Once …

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BY THE WAY, today’s the official start of the #NoExcuses Challenge! :]

  • Hey 2015, it’s me, Farrah (nickname, spirit animal, real name, blog name)!

  • This year I would like to start and maintain a more consistent workout schedule, and motivate …

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Happy Monday, and welcome to the second installment of Medical Mondays!

As a fitness junkie with an Exercise Biology degree, a love for all sorts of physical activity, and aspirations to someday set national records in powerlifting, this topic had to have been at least somewhat expected, right? …

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Remember how I was talking about how much I loved the fitness/blogging community? :D

Well, I liked the camaraderie so much that I applied for another ambassadorship not so long ago. :D I’d like to draw some attention to that shiny & SUPAH-SPIFFY new badge …

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