Category: Day by Day


Hi everyone, and welcome to Medical Mondays!

I’m super excited about this one–not just because I love food/it’s an extremely important subject, but also because it’s the first time I’ve ever had anyone guest-post on my blog! :O

Med school unfortunately didn’t teach me as much as I would’ve liked in …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2015

Hi everyone! :] I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! for …

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I Am Nothing…

Welcome to the first of four #withlovefridays posts! I’m co-hosting this linkup with 4 other awesome ladies: Kristie, Lisa, Krystal & Georgina! If you’ve got a post that has anything to do with love (family, friends, significant others, spouses, pets, fandoms…), feel free …

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An Attempt To Organize My Life

Hello everyone, and happy Thursday! :] As the title suggests, I’m making somewhat of an attempt to organize my life, both on this blog and in med school (my other life) because if I don’t add a little structure soon, I will likely go insane! :O! I don’t know how long I’ll be able to …

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Hypertension (Part I)

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays!

February is American Heart Month, so I thought I’d start off with Hypertension!

…and since hypertension (HTN) is such an important topic (one of the “big 3!”), it’s getting two posts! :O Today’s post will focus more on the diagnosis, risk factors, and screening, …

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