Category: Day by Day

“I’m not picky. I just have high standards.”

Welcome to #WithLoveFridays! I’m co-hosting this linkup with 4 other awesome ladies: Kristie, Lisa, Krystal & Georgina! If you’ve got a post that has anything to do with love (family, friends, significant others, spouses, pets, fandoms…), feel free to come link up with …

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Make It Or Break It

This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…Movie Scenes That Inspire Your Fitness!

It’s been a while since I’ve watched a movie, but…TV shows are loosely related, right?!

Lemme introduce you to one of my guilty …

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Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! While we’re still in American Heart Month, I figured I’d use my last Monday in February to talk about dyslipidemia! Also known as high levels of fat in your blood, which is most commonly correlated with high cholesterol.

Why do we care so much about cholesterol anyway, and …

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The Healthy Mind Cookbook

Way back in my pre-clinical years (which was actually last experienced less than a year ago), my school decided to use our class to experiment with a curriculum change. We moved into a systems-based approach, and although the thought process behind it was great…as with most new things, it was/is not without its kinks, and …

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How Do You Show Compassion?

Welcome to #WithLoveFridays! I’m co-hosting this linkup with 4 other awesome ladies: Kristie, Lisa, Krystal & Georgina! If you’ve got a post that has anything to do with love (family, friends, significant others, spouses, pets, fandoms…), feel free to come link up with …

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