Category: Day by Day

Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2015

Hi everyone! :] I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! for …

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10 Tips For Pre-Meds

I recently unearthed a super-long email (if you didn’t know before, I’m reallyreally verbose) that I sent to a friend about 2-ish years ago, so I thought I’d share the pertinent advice! This is more specific to people who want to go into medicine, but parts of it are probably relevant to a whole lot …

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Reflections on Psychiatry

As you may recall, save for the time I got to spend interacting with my preceptor’s patients, I did not enjoy my psychiatry rotation. At all. (Until the last 3 days, but I’ll get to that.) I took to attending the patients’ group therapy sessions to pass the …

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Who inspires you to be healthy?

This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…

Who in your life inspires you to be healthy?”

I thought long and hard about this one, and was originally going to answer, “Myself,” because that is …

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Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Apparently, I was mistaken about the actual date of Doctor’s Day. The hospital I’m at jumped the gun and decided to celebrate it along with the kickoff to the weekend, so my apologies on any confusion, and happy …

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