Category: Day by Day

2015 North Carolina Family Medicine Day

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I’m taking a tiny break from health topics to talk about an event my friend and I went to the weekend before this past one–the 2015 North Carolina Family Medicine Day! (I’m linking this up with Her Heartland Soul for Weekend Snapshots!

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Reflections on General Surgery

….Weirdly enough, this has been one of my absolute favorite rotations so far (here’s what a typical surgery day was like for me)!

F: I’m really surprised about how much I loved this rotation. I’m so sad that it’s already ended! :[ The weeks flew by! …

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On regional foods + being enough

This month’s Tell Me About Your Town theme (with Amanda @ Amanda Moments) is…regional foods! Are there any quirky or weird things that locals eat in your area? What foods are super popular? What can you get in your town that you can’t anywhere else? Do any foods define your state?

I will …

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Crohn’s Disease

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! May 19th is World IBD Day, so I decided to choose one of em’ and will be talking about Crohn’s Disease today!

Crohn’s Disease (CD) is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder that can affect any part of the GI tract from the mouth to …

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I’ll send you all my dreams in a letter…

This post was inspired by The Mapmaker’s Children by Sarah McCoy, a novel about two women who are connected by an Underground Railroad doll. Join From Left to Write on May 19th as we discuss The Mapmaker’s Children

Since I’m currently on my OB/GYN rotation, babies, fertility, lady …

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