Category: Day by Day

Maryland Adventures

So I’m a week late in posting this, but life has been somewhat of a whirlwind lately, and this is the first weekend where I haven’t gone anywhere, soooo I finally get to catch up on life and tell you about last weekend! It’s going to be rather picture-heavy, because…whyyyy the hecks not!? (Linking up with …

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Learning To Breathe Fire

I’ve always been really curious about CrossFit and think I’d really like it if I ever got the chance to try it out (gymnastics, strength training, and being a badass?! what’s not to like?!), but as of yet, I still haven’t managed to.

I do have to admit that I’m a little wary by how it almost …

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Stay Active & Balanced This Summer

Have you entered my Freekeh giveaway? Go do that now, and enter this one too for your chance to win some healthy snacks + a $15 gift card to Walmart! :D (More details at the bottom of this post!)

Now that boards are behind me (I’m still terrified that I didn’t pass, …

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3 Ways To Embrace An Attitude of Gratitude

The optional theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…An Attitude of Gratitude!

Have you entered my freekeh giveaway yet? Go check that out first! :]! (There’s a recipe for a Curry Freekeh Bowl included! ;P )

It’s a little …

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Day in the Life: Family Medicine

As you might already know from the onslaught of pictures I’ve been posting on Instagram, I’m currently on my first audition rotation. I’ve spoken with representatives from this program several times over the years, from all the Hospital Days to the FM conference.

My main interests “outside” of Family Medicine include sports …

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