Category: Day by Day

The Cost of Applying for Residency

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Since I covered how much the cost of a year of medical school was a couple weeks ago, I figured I’d follow up with what I’m currently also working on–applying for residency programs! If you’ve ever wondered how much that costs…keep on …

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Grunge Gods & Graveyards

This is the companion novel to Kimberly Giarratano’s The Lady In Blue (read my review here!), and since I read that one first and was super sad when it ended, I was pretty overjoyed to find out that there was actually another novel that came first: Grunge Gods & Graveyards!

Grunge Gods …

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It Was The Best of Times #BehindTheBlogger

When you hear, “It was the best of times,” what comes to mind?

My first thought?


More specifically, the last 2 years of undergrad, and it boils down to 2 simple things:

  • The company you keep
  • Doing what you love
    • Sub-category: My super-awesome majors

(That’s …

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Day in the Life: Orthopedic Surgery

Forgive me if it’s just because of the stereotype I’ve always heard, but I don’t think the typical orthopedic surgeon would sit with his patients for 45+ minutes to counsel them on how to clean up their eating habits, suggest healthy dietary substitutions, and examples of a daily meal plan, etc…on top of all …

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Major Depressive Disorder

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Since this week is National Suicide Prevention Week, with World Suicide Prevention Day in 3 days (September 10), this week’s topic is on Major Depressive Disorder.

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mood disorder that’s characterized by recurrent episodes of sadness, anhedonia (loss of interest in …

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