Category: Day by Day

15 Books To Nourish Your Soul

Books To Nourish Your Mind |

This week’s optional theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jessica and Jill) is Books To Engage Your Mind and Energize Your Spirit!

I adore reading, and used to hit up the school library every day to read a different book. When I was but a wee child, my brother and I …

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Type II Diabetes

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! This week’s topic is…diabeetus Type II Diabetes Mellitus–just in time to kick off November, which is Diabetes Awareness Month!

I’ve been somewhat absent online lately because of my AI (Acting Internship). :O Over the weekend, I worked a 16 hour shift through Halloween and the time change, and …

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LUSH Haul From Back In The Day

LUSH Haul From Back in the Day |

Much as I wanted to participate in this week’s optional theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jessica and Jill), life is being just on the slight side of super crazy busy (e.g. I traveled/lived through 3 states in the past 3 days), so you’re getting one of the [many] …

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Day in the Life: Family Medicine (Audition)

Unleash the flying monkeys

If you happen to be reading this anytime today (10/26) between 8 a.m.-4 p.m.-ish, please send some good thoughts my way! I’m taking the other part of my boards licensing exam, and would definitely appreciate it! :]

So while I’m slaving over that exam, I figured I’d share with you what …

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Music Inspiration For Your Power Playlist

Be stupid.

It is cold as crap, you guys. :[ I woke up yesterday morning to find that it was 28 degrees and that my car had been iced over during the night. I didn’t feel like waiting for it to defrost and couldn’t really chisel it off my car, so I walked to the hospital. Yayuh.

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