Category: Day by Day

Music Inspiration For Your Power Playlist

Be stupid.

It is cold as crap, you guys. :[ I woke up yesterday morning to find that it was 28 degrees and that my car had been iced over during the night. I didn’t feel like waiting for it to defrost and couldn’t really chisel it off my car, so I walked to the hospital. Yayuh.

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Why The Residency Match Is Like Getting Married

My life is currently composed of audition rotations, applications and scheduling catastrophes, peppered here and there with fun things/having a life (e.g. running off to Columbus between rotations to visit friends).

I’d like to share some thoughts on what the residency match is like, because I was trying to explain how it worked to …

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Breast Cancer

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I’m kicking off this week with a post on Breast Cancer!

Breast cancer occurs when the normal cells found in the breast undergo changes and …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: October 2015

Hi everyone! :] I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! for …

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Day in the Life: Allergy/Immunology

One of my closest friends is allergic to almost the entire world, so I figured this would be an interesting rotation, and if I learned anything that could be beneficial to her, I could pass it along!

I’d also read in the evals that he taught billing/coding, which would be monumentally …

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