Category: Day by Day

A Few of My Favorite Things

Rub the toes for luck!

This is partly a recap of my adventures at the Hoover Dam + Las Vegas, with a detour on a few of my favorite things (one of which is travel, so I’m not really veering that far off topic)!

I’m not going to lie. Living out of a backpack and a carry-on and moving every …

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Staying Healthy While Traveling on a Budget

Staying Healthy While Traveling On A Budget |

Whether you’re in the midst of interview/rotation travels (like me), or holiday travels/vacation, it can be kinda tough to stay healthy!

I’ve shared 5 ways to healthify your vacation in the past, but here are some tips on staying healthy while traveling on a budget! (I’m trying to make my cost of living as close …

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A Week of Catch-Up

Beach in Wilmington, NC

So…my crazy week of interviews is over, so I spent the remainder of that week playing catch-up! (I was in North Carolina on Tuesday, New Jersey on Wednesday, and super-northern-California on Thursday! I’m also not writing in real time, because of said catch-up and the fact that I had a rotation in Arizona that following …

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10 Webcomics To Get You Through The Day

10 Webcomics To Get You Through The Day |

Long long ago, I drafted this post so that in the event that I got consumed by my nomadic lifestyle of traveling all around the globe and/or living out of a suitcase/my car, I’d still have something to share with you so you wouldn’t think I’d died.

(I may or may not have had a …

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5 Facts About Me

5 Facts About Me |

Thanks so much for all the good thoughts + prayers last week! I’m happy to report that I survived my week of interviews! (I had 4 interviews in 3 states in 3 days!)

I think they all actually went really well! I definitely did not get much sleep, and am still a little …

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