Category: Day by Day

How Music Helped Me Through Medical School #BehindTheBlogger

How Music Helped Me Through Med School

The #BehindTheBlogger this time around is on what keeps me grounded, so I’m going to talk about how music helped me through medical school! :]

(If we’re going to be specific, it helped me not just through medical school, but also through undergrad and grad school too…and y’know, life in general!)

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HASK Monoi Coconut Oil

I recently had the opportunity to try out the HASK Monoi Coconut Oil line! :] They sent me a cute little package of their shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, shine hair oil, and a super awesome brush. (I may or may not be biased because I love pineapples, so that is one awesome …

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Anorexia Nervosa

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I don’t think(?) I’ve ever written anything that’s required a trigger warning before, but this topic would definitely qualify.

I know it’s not Monday yet, but my Recipe ReDux is tomorrow (see past ReDuxes!), and National Eating Disorder Awareness Week started today. There …

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Get To Know Fairyburger

Today’s my spotlight day (my last one basically became my second start page) for Kristy’s Grow Your Blog Hop! Not too much has changed in terms of the kind of content I share, but if you’re new here, get to know Fairyburger in this post! (If you’re not new(?), …

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How I’m Choosing My Residency

Not the best decision-maker on the planet? I have a wonderful solution for you–archery*! This is how I’m choosing my residency.

Back in the days of Davis, I used to take and/or sneak into Jenn’s archery class in the fall and spring. (The sneaking was only because I had a class that cut into half …

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