Category: Day by Day

How I’m Choosing My Residency

Not the best decision-maker on the planet? I have a wonderful solution for you–archery*! This is how I’m choosing my residency.

Back in the days of Davis, I used to take and/or sneak into Jenn’s archery class in the fall and spring. (The sneaking was only because I had a class that cut into half …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2016

Hello, hello, and welcome to February’s Ultimate Coffee Date!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’m still pretty overjoyed that I get to stay warm for another couple months!

Back in West Virginia, Littlefoot (one of my duckies!) is the only one brave enough to venture out into the …

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Day In The Life: Internal Medicine

I haven’t done a “Day in the Life” in what feels like forever, so why don’t we talk about my first month-long rotation since…September(?)! (It’s so nice to not live out of a carry-on + backpack and move to a different state every 2 weeks!)

I’m back in my home state! I needed another month …

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How To Tell If Your Parents Are Setting You Up

Single Girl, Asian Daughter

After the awkwardness that was the Christmas church concert in 2007, you’d think my mom would never try this again. But no. I was wrong. This is my wonderful guide on how to tell if your parents are setting you up (at least, this tends to be how it works in my world).

Let’s backtrack …

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2016 Goals #BehindTheBlogger

2016 Goals

Dear 2016 Me,

Your 2015 word was “perseverance,” and I feel like it worked out really well, so much so that it’s stayin’ this year as well! We’ve gone over the progress you made on last year’s goals, so now it’s time to focus on this year!

I’m a fan of …

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