Category: Day by Day

Take Time For Yourself

take time for yourself

I get asked fairly often about what I do to stay sane when I’m always swamped with 345436657 things on my to-do list, so I figured I’d write a little about it today!

One of the reasons why I’ve been able to kindasorta blog throughout medical school is because I learned somewhat early on …

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Day in the Life: Rural Under-served Family Medicine


The next couple “Day in the Life” posts are gonna be kinda squished together because I lagged so far behind on the last one (Peds Neurosurgery)!

I got off to a really rough start on this rotation, due in part to:

  • Breaking my dominant hand the weekend before
  • Misplacing …

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    Be True To Your Core

    Ever since I broke my hand, I’ve been unofficially banned from pretty much all the types of workouts I would usually be enjoying (e.g. powerlifting, pole, Brazilian jiu-jitsu).

    I’ve been trying to look on the bright side, but at the same time, I’ve also been pretty bummed because I was finally, finally home and had …

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    Day in the Life: Pediatric Neurosurgery

    It’s been a couple eons since I’ve written a “Day in the Life” post, and truth be told, I’m about…3 rotations behind? Oops. It’s mostly because I broke my hand right after my Neurosurgery rotation. It made life a tad difficult, but I learned to deal!

    This is actually a continuation …

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    The ABCs of Fairyburger

    What with two back-to-back inpatient rotations, a broken hand, and a hell of a lot of driving/flying/traveling in general, I’ve unfortunately run out of scheduled-into-the-future posts…so I stole this from Suz, and took until now to finish it because I’m awesome like that.

    Fun fact behind the above …

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