I get asked fairly often about what I do to stay sane when I’m always swamped with 345436657 things on my to-do list, so I figured I’d write a little about it today!
One of the reasons why I’ve been able to kindasorta blog throughout medical school is because I learned somewhat early on …
Ever since I broke my hand, I’ve been unofficially banned from pretty much all the types of workouts I would usually be enjoying (e.g. powerlifting, pole, Brazilian jiu-jitsu).
I’ve been trying to look on the bright side, but at the same time, I’ve also been pretty bummed because I was finally, finally home and had …
It’s been a couple eons since I’ve written a “Day in the Life” post, and truth be told, I’m about…3 rotations behind? Oops. It’s mostly because I broke my hand right after my Neurosurgery rotation. It made life a tad difficult, but I learned to deal!
What with two back-to-back inpatientrotations, a broken hand, and a hell of a lot of driving/flying/traveling in general, I’ve unfortunately run out of scheduled-into-the-future posts…so I stole this from Suz, and took until now to finish it because I’m awesome like that.
Welcome to Fairyburger! :] I'm Farrah, a Family Medicine physician in the SF Bay Area who aspires to lead by example, and loves all things fitness and food-related, finding great deals, and making every moment count.
Come join me for the "My Month is Booked" linkup on the first Monday of every month to share what books you read over the past month + get reading inspiration from other bloggers/readers! :]
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