You Don’t Know Me: I consider social media to be nothing more than a “highlight reel” of our lives. We choose to share what we want, and some focus on only the good, while others zero in on the bad.
I have my bad days just like anyone else, but for the most part, I like …
A longggg time ago, Ashley over at A Lady Goes West posted a 20-question “Get To Know Me Better” survey. I thought it sounded like fun, but figured I’d reserve my actual post for later, when I was super swamped, so here it is now! (I frequently blog …
Where I Belong: On the path to becoming/being a medical student, there are invariably many unfortunate instances of self-doubt. I wish I could tell you that this magically disappeared after graduating…but that’d be a complete and total lie.
I figured it was about time for another update in the realms of my …
I haven’t talked much about fitness lately mostly because…well, I haven’t really been working out. My “summer slump” is really just my lack of a regular workout schedule (although I’d like to think that moving furniture/a billion boxes and walking a ton of miles almost daily has to count for something!).
Welcome to Fairyburger! :] I'm Farrah, a Family Medicine physician in the SF Bay Area who aspires to lead by example, and loves all things fitness and food-related, finding great deals, and making every moment count.
Come join me for the "My Month is Booked" linkup on the first Monday of every month to share what books you read over the past month + get reading inspiration from other bloggers/readers! :]
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