Category: Day by Day

Day in the Life: Inpatient Family Medicine Service

Happy Monday + welcome to another Medical Mondays and my fourth “Day in the Life” for residency–this time on Inpatient Service!

I was the last of the interns to start inpatient service and my last call day was all the way back in early August. The last time I’d even roamed …

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Day in the Life: Obstetrics

Happy Monday + welcome to another Medical Mondays and my fourth “Day in the Life” for residency–this time in Obstetrics!

Fun fact–when I was applying for residency programs/making my rank list, I was actually looking for unopposed programs because I thought it’d be cool to be able to do …

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Fall Foliage in Vermont

A little over a year ago, I got a pair of super comfortable leggings from Janji. I took them on my adventures through Delaware whilst visiting Trish and have since been conquering the world in them.

Alright, I kid. (About conquering the world, anyway. But it felt like I had.)

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Ultimate Coffee Date: November 2016

Hi everyone! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up with life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

Join me for the #UltimateCoffeeDate with @got2runforme @fitnessmom1 @deborahbrooks14!

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If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…it is really dangerous …

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Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

Welcome to another Travel Tuesday! (Go check out my new[-ish] Travel tab! <3 ) As I promised at the last one, we’re taking on the Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail today!


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