Category: Day by Day

Stroke Awareness

american stroke month

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Since May is American Stroke Month, this week’s Medical Mondays is on Stroke Awareness!

Early detection is key, so I’ve made a handy little graphic here!

Learn how to recognize the signs + symptoms of a #stroke! #MedicalMondays #health #awareness

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Recipe Makeover (giveaway!)

Hi everyone! I’m [reluctantly] back from my vacation back at home and in England/Scotland! (It was so, so hard to leave…) I have about 18 posts that I need to write up for future Travel Tuesdays and a billion other things to catch up on (as well as a dance performance tonight…), but in …

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The Fat Burn Revolution

fat burn revolution

Way back in the day, I won Betsy @ The Everyday Warrior for Julia Buckley’s The Fat Burn Revolution (affiliate link!), and I figured I’m sharing my review on it today! I’m not going to discuss every chapter, but you’ll get a good gist on what this book is all about!

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Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2017

Hi everyone! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up on life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

Join me for the #UltimateCoffeeDate with @got2runforme @fitnessmom1 @deborahbrooks14! #blogging

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Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2017

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d …

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Hopes and Dreams

Pamela Wible tweet

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I’m going to be talking about hopes and dreams today!

Some time ago, I read Dr. Pamela Wible’s book, Pet Goats & Pap Smears and wrote a review about it on Project Velociraptor (aka FM Student). (In case you’re new here, …

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