Category: Day by Day

Kitty Adventures with Pet Magasin Travel Pet Backpacks

Fun fact: I take walks with my cat sometimes! (This is your advance warning that there are lots of photos to come. :D…) Especially now that I can go on adventures with Muffin because I have a backpack for her (thanks, Pet Magasin!)!

I received a free backpack from Pet Magasin through my partnership with BrandBacker. …

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Day in the Life: Cardiology

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I know I’ve already had a Day in the Life in Cardiology from my intern year, but let’s face it–the heart’s important–hence, my second 2-week rotation in Cardiology!

Join @fairyburger for a #DayInTheLife on #Cardiology! #medicine #residencylife #medlife

Click …

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Staying Fit with Gixo

I hope everyone’s been doing well! I’m currently on vacation of sorts and visiting friends from West Virginia/Kentucky! Since I don’t have a gym with me, it was the perfect time to try out a new fitness app!

Spoiler alert: Gixo is awesome. :] I like that it keeps you accountable and the friendly encouragement …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: November 2017

Hi everyone! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up on life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! #residencylife #bloglife #sweatpink

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Ultimate Coffee Date: November 2017

If we were …

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My Fall Nighttime Skin Care Routine with Clarisonic

Hello, world! I’m on my second week of nights right now and have been getting varying degrees of sleep, so my blogging has been a little rocky lately, but I’m back again, this time to share…my fall nighttime skin care routine with Clarisonic! (It’s a nighttime routine because I hate mornings and don’t …

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