Category: Day by Day

Defy Limits with Gixo

Happy New Year! I’ve been slightly MIA-ish on social media, which was semi-expected because of the holidays, but twas mainly because I was back on hospital service for the past two weeks, and it tends to sap all the life and energy out of me. (You can read about what it was like when I was an …

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Fitness Goals 2018

Linda @ The Fitty tagged me in this questionnaire and I thought it’d be a fun end-of-year questionnaire to do! I did a “10 confessions” a couple years ago that she tagged me in too, but this one’s focused on fitness goals!

What are your #fitnessgoals for the upcoming year? #fitfam …

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DIY Copycat BIG Volumizing Shampoo

It’s probably no small secret that I love and adore LUSH, but it can definitely get dangerous for my wallet. I’m somewhat of a slacker too when it comes to my hair (…aka I get it cut once every 1-2 years)–I’ve kept the same hairstyle for probably the last 15 years because I …

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Using a Bullet Journal for Productivity

I’ve been keeping a journal pretty much for the last 17 years. It started in regular notebooks and migrated to online journals (this used to be one before I switched to blogging!), and I’ve been using planners for about that much time as well.

Using A Bullet Journal For Productivity #bujo #bulletjournal #planning …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2017

Hi everyone! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up on life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! #residencylife #bloglife #sweatpink

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Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2017

If we were having tea …

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