Category: Day by Day

Ultimate Coffee Date: March 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! I know February is the shortest month of the year, but I’m almost unwilling to believe that it’s already March. Where has the time gone?!

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! #residencylife #bloglife #sweatpink

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Ultimate Coffee Date: March …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! Does it feel like January just flew by to anyone else? (It sure did for me…)

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! #residencylife #bloglife #sweatpink

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Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2019

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…I’m …

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Day in the Life: Ophthalmology

Hello and welcome to Medical Mondays! Once upon a time in 2010 when I was still volunteering as a patient advocate/medical interpreter for Paul Hom Asian Clinic, I was helping out at our annual health fair and got to interpret for the ophthalmology clinic!

It’s a good thing this was the case, because …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2019

Welcome to the first Ultimate Coffee Date of the year! I know this is typically Foodie Friday, but we’ve decided to switch to the 2nd and 4th Friday’s of every month! If we end up being more prolific with recipes again, we might change it back, but feel free to link up with us next week! …

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Fitness Goals For 2019

It’s supposed to be Foodie Friday with with Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama + Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl today…but I’ve been pretty bad about posting new recipes this year, especially over the second half. :/ So my apologies (and sadly, nothing new this week, although I will be …

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